Saturday, March 31, 2007
Obesity: A problem Increasing
No one should be surprised by the large percentage of Americansover weight these days. With faster than ever growing food chainsand the way our money and appetites respond to walking pastendless, mouthwatering posters in restaurant windows, there's nowonder why diet has become the talk of the century. As many havelearned, accomplishing "weight loss" as not nearly as easy asit is to say it.
The facts are that 7.1% of children and adolescents 2-19 years ofage are overweight. That is over 12 and a half million children.Of the adult population, 32.2% which is over 66 million areobese; and almost 5% are extremely obese. Significant differencesin obesity between race and ethnic groups have also beenobserved. Mexican-American and Afro-American girls were found tobe more overweight than non-Hispanic white girls. Where boys areconcerned, the prevalence of overweight was considerably higheramong Mexican-Americans than among both non-Hispanic black andNon-Hispanic white boys. Approximately 30% of non-Hispanic whiteadults, 45% of non-Hispanic Afro-American adults, and 36.8% ofMexican-American adults were found to be obese.
A significant difference in age seemed to play a huge part aswell. Younger children are less likely to be overweight thanadolescents, and older adults are more likely to be obese thanyounger adults. The weights of adults 80 and over tend to fallinto the same category of adults 20-39 years of age.
Overweight issues are the result of an imbalance between theamount of food consumed and the amount of physical activity aperson gets. Factors that are considered linked to obesityinclude increased potion sizes, eating out often, largeconsumptions of sugar-sweetened drinks, excessive television,computer and video gaming, a change in careers, stress, and fearof crime; which lessens outdoor activity. Overweight adolescentsusually grow up to become obese adults. People gain weight whenthe body takes in more calories than it burns off. The extracalories are stored as fat. People who are obese are more thanjust a few pounds overweight, which means that their calorieintake has been more than I should have been for years.
A person's gene can play an important role in being obese, forexample, some people burn calories faster or slower than others.It is odd how obesity works in families; members of a family caneat the same foods, share the same bad habits and have a similarmind frame when it comes to weight gain; however, only a few mayhave weight problems. In most cases, weight problems come from acombination of habits and genetic factors. Obesity can seriouslyaffect a person's health in more ways than a little bit. Ofcourse it can make a person feel tired and uncomfortable, as wellas wear down joints and put extra strain on other parts of thebody; but there are more serious consequences that come fromcarrying extra weight.
Obesity in young children can cause illnesses that usually affectthe adult population, such as high blood pressure, highcholesterol, liver disease, and type2 diabetes. As they getolder, they are subjected to even more problems such as the heartdisease, congestive heart failure, bladder problems, strokes,breast or colon cancer, reproductive problems in women, and evendeath.
In addition to these things, small tasks such as walking, keepingup, playing sports, and even breathing can become extremelydifficult. Depression is also very likely among people who areover weight. They may often feel sad or angry and many people eatto make themselves feel better, only to feel worse about eatingagain.
There is some good news, however; it is never too late for aperson to make changes in their eating and exercising habits.Powerful health benefits can come from exercising as little as 30minutes a day, everyday and paying close attention to what we putinto our bodies. Staying away from sugary soft drinks such assodas, and juice, and eating more fruits and vegetables can helpsignificantly. Also, keeping a food diary and developing a betterunderstanding of the nutritional value and fat contents of food,changing grocery shopping habits, timing meals, running, andwalking is proven to do wonders for the body. Pills, and programsthat promise instant weight loss or feature severely restricteddiets are usually not effective and can be very dangerous.
A recent study has found that a key ingredient in over thecounter diet pills can increase the risk of stroke in women. Dietpills are not a permanent solution to losing weight; in fact,studies prove that almost all consumers regain that were shed.Many people are initially discouraged during weight loss,especially if they have put on excessive weight during the years;but the sooner the change is started, the closer a person willget to living a happier, healthier life.
Written by: Aiyana Rayne. is a new kind of virtual office assistant, providing a full-range of office services to home businesses and global conglomerates.Their friendly staff provides an address for your business,exclusive fax, local or toll-free 1-800 numbers, and otheressential special need services. Their call center will dedicate a team of service professionals to answer your calls, your way, to provide a consistent voice to your business. They are even capable of providing a full-service sales team to your business. ============================================
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
How To Buy Running Shoes
As an athlete or an every day person, buying running shoes is one of the best things you can do for your health. Proper running shoes are critical for a good running or walking experience, and to be able to safely exercise with the right type of support, knowing how to go about buying running shoes is more important than you might think. Your choice in running shoes can really make or break your workout experience, and if you want to get things off to a right start it is important that you choose your running shoes carefully. Chances are, your sales associate is not as knowledgeable as they sound about how to buy running shoes properly.
Shop at a "Running" Shoe Store
The worst thing you can for yourself is try to shop frugally for running shoes. The clearance rack is running shoe suicide, and more often than not you get a pair of running shoes that are malformed for your foot, too heavy or too light, or just plain do not fit right. This can be dangerous and may even potentially cause injury to your feet, legs, hips, or even your back—and all because you choose to save a few dollars by purchasing off the clearance rack.
This is not to say that buying running shoes on a dime is a bad idea. You just have to know what you are looking for and what you need in a running shoe. First of all, you are going to need proper support. Make sure that you try on your running shoes and walk around in them in the store. Many people make the mistake of thinking they know their size so they don’t have to try their shoes on at the store. You need to make sure that your shoes are not only the correct size, but also fit you right as well (this is not the same thing).
Determine Foot Type
You also need to know what type of foot you have. If you have ever had to deal with buying running shoes before, then chances are that you probably know what type of foot you have, and that is one of the most important things. Our feet are all built differently; some people have a lower arch and some people have a higher arch; still others have completely flat feet. All the different types of feet require different types of support in running shoes, so be aware of this when you are buying running shoes.
Additional Considerations
Keep in mind that your feet expand during the day, so if you go out to buy running shoes first thing in the morning, chances are that they may not fit properly. It takes a few hours of actually being on your feet for them to be at their largest, so try to get your shoe shopping in during that time, so you know your shoes will fit even at their largest. Also, if you can fit it in it is best to do your running shoe shopping at a specialty running store. This makes for not only a better selection of running shoes, but more knowledgeable sales associates as well who are not worried about selling prom pumps and running shoes, but can focus in on your particular needs.
Buying running shoes doesn’t have to be a science, but there are some key mistakes that you can avoid to make your running shoe shopping experience as pleasant as possible.
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Shop at a "Running" Shoe Store
The worst thing you can for yourself is try to shop frugally for running shoes. The clearance rack is running shoe suicide, and more often than not you get a pair of running shoes that are malformed for your foot, too heavy or too light, or just plain do not fit right. This can be dangerous and may even potentially cause injury to your feet, legs, hips, or even your back—and all because you choose to save a few dollars by purchasing off the clearance rack.
This is not to say that buying running shoes on a dime is a bad idea. You just have to know what you are looking for and what you need in a running shoe. First of all, you are going to need proper support. Make sure that you try on your running shoes and walk around in them in the store. Many people make the mistake of thinking they know their size so they don’t have to try their shoes on at the store. You need to make sure that your shoes are not only the correct size, but also fit you right as well (this is not the same thing).
Determine Foot Type
You also need to know what type of foot you have. If you have ever had to deal with buying running shoes before, then chances are that you probably know what type of foot you have, and that is one of the most important things. Our feet are all built differently; some people have a lower arch and some people have a higher arch; still others have completely flat feet. All the different types of feet require different types of support in running shoes, so be aware of this when you are buying running shoes.
Additional Considerations
Keep in mind that your feet expand during the day, so if you go out to buy running shoes first thing in the morning, chances are that they may not fit properly. It takes a few hours of actually being on your feet for them to be at their largest, so try to get your shoe shopping in during that time, so you know your shoes will fit even at their largest. Also, if you can fit it in it is best to do your running shoe shopping at a specialty running store. This makes for not only a better selection of running shoes, but more knowledgeable sales associates as well who are not worried about selling prom pumps and running shoes, but can focus in on your particular needs.
Buying running shoes doesn’t have to be a science, but there are some key mistakes that you can avoid to make your running shoe shopping experience as pleasant as possible.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Can Drinking Tea Make You Live Longer?
Tea is the second most popular beverage in the world, after water. Asian cultures drink gallons of green, oolong and other teas, and the Brits consume large quantities of black tea. In fact, everywhere in the world, tea is a regular part of life. In many cases, we drink tea because we like it, but as it turns out, it may be extremely healthy for us, too.
Over the years there's been tons of research on the benefits of tea to our health. And, as we learn more and more, it's becoming clear that drinking tea may be one of the best things we can do to protect our health and prolong our lives. The University of Toronto Medical Journal outlines the many benefits that drinking tea can offer
Prevention of Heart Disease
Studies have shown that regular tea consumption can actually lower cholesterol levels circulating in the blood. In fact, some studies have shown tea to reduce total cholesterol by as much as 6.5% and LDL cholesterol by as much as 11%. A reduction in cholesterol prevents atherosclerosis, a condition in which the arteries that carry blood become narrowed due to a buildup of plaque. The plaque that builds up in our arteries is created when LDL cholesterol oxidizes.
Prevention of Cancer
Tea has been shown to reduce the risk of several forms of cancer. In fact, tea has been shown to reduce lung tumors by 80% in laboratory mice. Tea has also been effective in human studies on cancer, including breast cancer, colon cancer and gastric cancer.
Weight Loss
Tea has also been shown to be an effective weight loss supplement. Tea increases energy expenditure, promotes fat oxidation and decreases fat storage. Many studies have shown that drinking tea in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise can help you lose more weight than diet and exercise alone.
Improvement in Intestinal Tract Bacteria
Regular tea consumption can help improve the bacteria that live in your intestinal tract; eliminating harmful bacteria and helping beneficial bacteria to flourish. Tea has been shown to reduce the level of H pylori bacteria in the stomach. H pylori is associated with the development of ulcers.
Getting Your Daily Dose
The recommended dose of tea for health benefits is about 30 ounces per day – the equivalent of 2 ½ cans of soda. While this may seem like a lot, it's easy to consume this amount if you replace some of the other beverages you consume with tea. Consider this:
Replace one cup of your morning coffee with a cup of tea instead – that's 8 ounces.
Have one bottle of green tea with lunch instead of a bottled soda – that's another 12 ounces.
For an afternoon break, make a relaxing cup of tea instead of a snack. You'll save calories and get another 8 ounces of tea.
Have a cup of lavender or mint tea before bed – you're getting another eight ounces of tea, and you'll sleep better too!
Which tea is best?
There are literally thousands of varieties of tea available – so much that you may be confused about which you should be drinking. Probably the best tea for you is the one that you like, because if you like it you'll drink more of it. However, if you're choosing tea strictly for the health benefits, here are some suggestions to help you choose the tea that will give you the most benefit.
Choose green tea over black – Green tea is unfermented, which means that more of the original anti-oxidants are intact. It is believed that green tea has more health benefits than black tea because these anti-oxidants remain in their natural state. If you don't like the flavor of plain green tea, there are dozens of flavored green teas. They are just as healthy, and taste great. In addition, you can find bottled green teas that are very convenient when you're on the go.
Choose caffeinated teas over decaffeinated – Caffeinated teas have the most health benefit. It is believed that the caffeine in tea works with the anti-oxidants to create the maximum effects. Those who are caffeine sensitive might try green tea, as its caffeine content is lower than that of black tea.
Make sure it's real tea – There are many beverages that are referred to as tea that are not really tea. True tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. Herbal teas, and teas like rooibos and mate are really tisanes –meaning they come from other plants. There's certainly nothing wrong with these teas, but they don't provide the health benefits that you'll find in a true tea.
Drink it the way you like it- Tea retains the same health benefits whether you drink it hot or cold and whether or not you add milk. Just remember to skip the sugar if you're drinking tea to help you lose weight.
With all the health benefits that we're discovering about tea, it's a pretty good assumption that tea may help you live longer. By putting off many of the signs and diseases of aging, you're also likely to be healthier and more active in your old age. Tea is a natural, refreshing way to improve your health and longevity.
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Over the years there's been tons of research on the benefits of tea to our health. And, as we learn more and more, it's becoming clear that drinking tea may be one of the best things we can do to protect our health and prolong our lives. The University of Toronto Medical Journal outlines the many benefits that drinking tea can offer
Prevention of Heart Disease
Studies have shown that regular tea consumption can actually lower cholesterol levels circulating in the blood. In fact, some studies have shown tea to reduce total cholesterol by as much as 6.5% and LDL cholesterol by as much as 11%. A reduction in cholesterol prevents atherosclerosis, a condition in which the arteries that carry blood become narrowed due to a buildup of plaque. The plaque that builds up in our arteries is created when LDL cholesterol oxidizes.
Prevention of Cancer
Tea has been shown to reduce the risk of several forms of cancer. In fact, tea has been shown to reduce lung tumors by 80% in laboratory mice. Tea has also been effective in human studies on cancer, including breast cancer, colon cancer and gastric cancer.
Weight Loss
Tea has also been shown to be an effective weight loss supplement. Tea increases energy expenditure, promotes fat oxidation and decreases fat storage. Many studies have shown that drinking tea in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise can help you lose more weight than diet and exercise alone.
Improvement in Intestinal Tract Bacteria
Regular tea consumption can help improve the bacteria that live in your intestinal tract; eliminating harmful bacteria and helping beneficial bacteria to flourish. Tea has been shown to reduce the level of H pylori bacteria in the stomach. H pylori is associated with the development of ulcers.
Getting Your Daily Dose
The recommended dose of tea for health benefits is about 30 ounces per day – the equivalent of 2 ½ cans of soda. While this may seem like a lot, it's easy to consume this amount if you replace some of the other beverages you consume with tea. Consider this:
Replace one cup of your morning coffee with a cup of tea instead – that's 8 ounces.
Have one bottle of green tea with lunch instead of a bottled soda – that's another 12 ounces.
For an afternoon break, make a relaxing cup of tea instead of a snack. You'll save calories and get another 8 ounces of tea.
Have a cup of lavender or mint tea before bed – you're getting another eight ounces of tea, and you'll sleep better too!
Which tea is best?
There are literally thousands of varieties of tea available – so much that you may be confused about which you should be drinking. Probably the best tea for you is the one that you like, because if you like it you'll drink more of it. However, if you're choosing tea strictly for the health benefits, here are some suggestions to help you choose the tea that will give you the most benefit.
Choose green tea over black – Green tea is unfermented, which means that more of the original anti-oxidants are intact. It is believed that green tea has more health benefits than black tea because these anti-oxidants remain in their natural state. If you don't like the flavor of plain green tea, there are dozens of flavored green teas. They are just as healthy, and taste great. In addition, you can find bottled green teas that are very convenient when you're on the go.
Choose caffeinated teas over decaffeinated – Caffeinated teas have the most health benefit. It is believed that the caffeine in tea works with the anti-oxidants to create the maximum effects. Those who are caffeine sensitive might try green tea, as its caffeine content is lower than that of black tea.
Make sure it's real tea – There are many beverages that are referred to as tea that are not really tea. True tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. Herbal teas, and teas like rooibos and mate are really tisanes –meaning they come from other plants. There's certainly nothing wrong with these teas, but they don't provide the health benefits that you'll find in a true tea.
Drink it the way you like it- Tea retains the same health benefits whether you drink it hot or cold and whether or not you add milk. Just remember to skip the sugar if you're drinking tea to help you lose weight.
With all the health benefits that we're discovering about tea, it's a pretty good assumption that tea may help you live longer. By putting off many of the signs and diseases of aging, you're also likely to be healthier and more active in your old age. Tea is a natural, refreshing way to improve your health and longevity.
About The Author:
Marcus Stout is President of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, green tea and black tea go to |
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
Metabolism: What You Need To Know To Lose Weight
We all know that losing weight has something to do with our metabolism. But few of us really understand what metabolism is. In its simplest terms, metabolism is a process that takes place inside your body which converts the foods you eat into energy. The body uses this converted energy to do everything; from walking to talking to swimming and so on. This process continues even while you sleep.
We are much more likely to speak in terms of burning calories when we talk about weight loss. So, when a person has a slow metabolism, he or she burns fewer calories, resulting in storing of excess calories that turn into body fat. By contrast, having a fast metabolism enables more efficient burning of calories and less buildup of excess fats.
Typically, metabolism slows as we age. Growing older, we begin digesting and processing food differently, and notice that we start gaining weight even if we eat the same types and amounts of foods we once did. Although it will vary considerably with the individual, women generally face a slow down in metabolism approximately after age 30 and men after age 40. Obviously the age of onset may differ significantly depending on the food you eat and how active a life you lead.
Although it may be difficult to believe, a low-calorie diet paradoxically slows your metabolism. You can attribute this to evolution and the fact that in our early development nature accounted for times of hunger by causing the body to react involuntarily to preserve calories and store them as fats for future use. Piling on more bad news, as you try to lose weight through semi-starvation, you actually lose muscle mass that causes a reduced rate of weight loss. Your muscles are your fat burners.
You’ll no doubt hear “rate of metabolism” referred to in any discussion about the subject. The best way to increase your metabolism rate is through regular exercise. As mentioned, muscle burns more energy than fat. It may be obvious that intensified activity will elevate your metabolism rate during exercise. But did you know that it will also increase your rate when resting? Studies show that your metabolism rate remains at a higher level for several hours following an exercise session.
Along with exercise, eating the right foods can help boost your metabolism. Your body employs energy simply to digest food. Foods high in fiber content require more energy to digest than foods full of sugar. For example, a bowl of oats will give you consistent energy longer than the sugary donut you're craving. Oats also cause your digestive system work harder, consequently elevating your metabolic rate. Now, there’s a breakfast suggestions if there ever was one!
We’ve only scratched the surface here. The long and the short of it is that if you are trying to lose weight, then your goal is to expend more energy in a day than you consume.
With a little education you can learn how to step up your rate of metabolism to achieve that goal. Greater consciousness of what you eat and the need to enhance physical activity provide the key to your weight loss.
About the Author: Robert G. Knechtel operates several websites, including MetabolismDetails.Com – Understanding Metabolism and How it Works.
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We are much more likely to speak in terms of burning calories when we talk about weight loss. So, when a person has a slow metabolism, he or she burns fewer calories, resulting in storing of excess calories that turn into body fat. By contrast, having a fast metabolism enables more efficient burning of calories and less buildup of excess fats.
Typically, metabolism slows as we age. Growing older, we begin digesting and processing food differently, and notice that we start gaining weight even if we eat the same types and amounts of foods we once did. Although it will vary considerably with the individual, women generally face a slow down in metabolism approximately after age 30 and men after age 40. Obviously the age of onset may differ significantly depending on the food you eat and how active a life you lead.
Although it may be difficult to believe, a low-calorie diet paradoxically slows your metabolism. You can attribute this to evolution and the fact that in our early development nature accounted for times of hunger by causing the body to react involuntarily to preserve calories and store them as fats for future use. Piling on more bad news, as you try to lose weight through semi-starvation, you actually lose muscle mass that causes a reduced rate of weight loss. Your muscles are your fat burners.
You’ll no doubt hear “rate of metabolism” referred to in any discussion about the subject. The best way to increase your metabolism rate is through regular exercise. As mentioned, muscle burns more energy than fat. It may be obvious that intensified activity will elevate your metabolism rate during exercise. But did you know that it will also increase your rate when resting? Studies show that your metabolism rate remains at a higher level for several hours following an exercise session.
Along with exercise, eating the right foods can help boost your metabolism. Your body employs energy simply to digest food. Foods high in fiber content require more energy to digest than foods full of sugar. For example, a bowl of oats will give you consistent energy longer than the sugary donut you're craving. Oats also cause your digestive system work harder, consequently elevating your metabolic rate. Now, there’s a breakfast suggestions if there ever was one!
We’ve only scratched the surface here. The long and the short of it is that if you are trying to lose weight, then your goal is to expend more energy in a day than you consume.
With a little education you can learn how to step up your rate of metabolism to achieve that goal. Greater consciousness of what you eat and the need to enhance physical activity provide the key to your weight loss.
About the Author: Robert G. Knechtel operates several websites, including MetabolismDetails.Com – Understanding Metabolism and How it Works.
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Saturday, March 10, 2007
Green Tea’s Weight Loss Magic – It’s Not The Caffeine
In recent years there has been a significant amount of attention given to green tea and its health benefits. Green tea has been shown to prevent cancer, heart disease, and reduce the signs of aging. And, more recently, studies have shown that it can be helpful in weight loss.
Green tea is a potent source of anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are important to our bodies because they fight the free radicals created as a by-product of digestion. These free radicals damage our cells and DNA, causing aging and disease. Therefore, a regular dose of anti-oxidants is beneficial to our health.
Many plant products contain anti-oxidants, including fruits and vegetables, cocoa, coffee, and tea. All forms of tea are good sources of anti-oxidants, but green tea is the most potent source, because the tea leaves are not fermented during the processing of green tea as they are during the production of black tea. This natural, unfermented tea leaf ensures that the important anti-oxidants, called catechins, are left in tact.
It is believed that these anti-oxidants are also an important contributor to green tea’s ability to help you lose weight. It has long been reported that green tea’s caffeine helps speed up metabolism, and may help you to lose weight.
However, what today’s research is showing is that it is not just the caffeine in green tea that helps with weight loss. Green tea’s anti-oxidants are also part of the equation. This helps explain why green tea is more beneficial to weight loss than other caffeinated beverages.
Several research studies have shown that green tea can do more than just speed up the metabolism. Green tea has also been shown to create thermogenesis, the fat burning process. In addition, in some studies, it has also been shown to inhibit the absorption of dietary fat. This means that less of the fat you eat may turn into body fat.
One article of particular interest, reported on by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, discussed how green tea has the ability to increase the metabolism and boost daily energy expenditure in a greater fashion than just the caffeine content would suggest.
Two studies are discussed in this article. In the first study, healthy male subjects were fed either green tea or a dose of caffeine equal to the caffeine in green tea. The subjects who drank the green tea showed an increase in energy expenditure (number of calories burned) and an increase in fat oxidation.
However, the subjects who consumed caffeine only showed no increase in energy expenditure or fat oxidation. This leads to the conclusion that it is not the caffeine in tea that has the effect on the body’s ability to lose weight. Or, at the very least, the caffeine needs to be in combination with the anti-oxidants in order to have an effect.
In the other study cited in this article, the subjects were rats. These rats were injected with EGCG, the most potent anti-oxidant found in green tea. The rats showed a weight loss within 2-7 days of beginning the injections.
The rats showed two effects from the tea injections. The first was that their metabolism appeared to speed up. However, they also began to eat less. On average, the rats ate about 15% less when given the green tea injections.
In addition, very lean rats showed a propensity to stay lean when receiving the injections of EGCG, even when their diet increased in calories. All of the results from this study were found to be completely reversible; when the rats stopped receiving the EGCG injections, they regained the weight.
This study is important for several reasons. First of all, it suggests that EGCG is the anti-oxidant, or at least one of them, responsible for green tea’s ability to affect weight loss. Secondly, the study suggests that green tea may decrease the appetite, which may explain part of why it helps you lose weight.
Another interesting tidbit reported in this study is that the lean rats needed an increase in EGCG over time to continue to stay lean when their calories were increased. This may suggest that over time our bodies may adjust to the effects of the EGCG and we may require more in order to lose or maintain weight.
Keep in mind that this second study was conducted on rats, which means that its results may not directly correlate in humans. However, there is certainly enough positive information between the two studies to give a strong indication that green tea is helpful in weight loss.
Healthy diets combined with a reasonable exercise plan are still the two most important components of weight management. However, it does appear that adding green tea to this healthy diet can provide some help in losing weight or keeping it within a normal range. Most interestingly, it seems clear that green tea will help you more than other caffeinated beverages.
And, the really good news about using green tea to help you lose weight is that it is completely safe and has no side effects. In fact, even if you didn’t lose weight, you would likely find yourself to be healthier overall because of your green tea consumption.
Since green tea has also been shown to reduce your risk of many diseases, including heart disease and cancer, there is no downside to adding it to your diet.
To be certain, more research is needed to pinpoint exactly how green tea can help us with weight management. However, there’s certainly enough evidence available today to suggest that green tea is worth trying. You just might find that your weight loss efforts suddenly become easier and more successful.
About the Author: Marcus Stout is President of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, green tea and wu long tea go to
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Green tea is a potent source of anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are important to our bodies because they fight the free radicals created as a by-product of digestion. These free radicals damage our cells and DNA, causing aging and disease. Therefore, a regular dose of anti-oxidants is beneficial to our health.
Many plant products contain anti-oxidants, including fruits and vegetables, cocoa, coffee, and tea. All forms of tea are good sources of anti-oxidants, but green tea is the most potent source, because the tea leaves are not fermented during the processing of green tea as they are during the production of black tea. This natural, unfermented tea leaf ensures that the important anti-oxidants, called catechins, are left in tact.
It is believed that these anti-oxidants are also an important contributor to green tea’s ability to help you lose weight. It has long been reported that green tea’s caffeine helps speed up metabolism, and may help you to lose weight.
However, what today’s research is showing is that it is not just the caffeine in green tea that helps with weight loss. Green tea’s anti-oxidants are also part of the equation. This helps explain why green tea is more beneficial to weight loss than other caffeinated beverages.
Several research studies have shown that green tea can do more than just speed up the metabolism. Green tea has also been shown to create thermogenesis, the fat burning process. In addition, in some studies, it has also been shown to inhibit the absorption of dietary fat. This means that less of the fat you eat may turn into body fat.
One article of particular interest, reported on by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, discussed how green tea has the ability to increase the metabolism and boost daily energy expenditure in a greater fashion than just the caffeine content would suggest.
Two studies are discussed in this article. In the first study, healthy male subjects were fed either green tea or a dose of caffeine equal to the caffeine in green tea. The subjects who drank the green tea showed an increase in energy expenditure (number of calories burned) and an increase in fat oxidation.
However, the subjects who consumed caffeine only showed no increase in energy expenditure or fat oxidation. This leads to the conclusion that it is not the caffeine in tea that has the effect on the body’s ability to lose weight. Or, at the very least, the caffeine needs to be in combination with the anti-oxidants in order to have an effect.
In the other study cited in this article, the subjects were rats. These rats were injected with EGCG, the most potent anti-oxidant found in green tea. The rats showed a weight loss within 2-7 days of beginning the injections.
The rats showed two effects from the tea injections. The first was that their metabolism appeared to speed up. However, they also began to eat less. On average, the rats ate about 15% less when given the green tea injections.
In addition, very lean rats showed a propensity to stay lean when receiving the injections of EGCG, even when their diet increased in calories. All of the results from this study were found to be completely reversible; when the rats stopped receiving the EGCG injections, they regained the weight.
This study is important for several reasons. First of all, it suggests that EGCG is the anti-oxidant, or at least one of them, responsible for green tea’s ability to affect weight loss. Secondly, the study suggests that green tea may decrease the appetite, which may explain part of why it helps you lose weight.
Another interesting tidbit reported in this study is that the lean rats needed an increase in EGCG over time to continue to stay lean when their calories were increased. This may suggest that over time our bodies may adjust to the effects of the EGCG and we may require more in order to lose or maintain weight.
Keep in mind that this second study was conducted on rats, which means that its results may not directly correlate in humans. However, there is certainly enough positive information between the two studies to give a strong indication that green tea is helpful in weight loss.
Healthy diets combined with a reasonable exercise plan are still the two most important components of weight management. However, it does appear that adding green tea to this healthy diet can provide some help in losing weight or keeping it within a normal range. Most interestingly, it seems clear that green tea will help you more than other caffeinated beverages.
And, the really good news about using green tea to help you lose weight is that it is completely safe and has no side effects. In fact, even if you didn’t lose weight, you would likely find yourself to be healthier overall because of your green tea consumption.
Since green tea has also been shown to reduce your risk of many diseases, including heart disease and cancer, there is no downside to adding it to your diet.
To be certain, more research is needed to pinpoint exactly how green tea can help us with weight management. However, there’s certainly enough evidence available today to suggest that green tea is worth trying. You just might find that your weight loss efforts suddenly become easier and more successful.
About the Author: Marcus Stout is President of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, green tea and wu long tea go to
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Sunday, March 04, 2007
Weight Loss Vs. Fat Loss: Discover Why Your Scale May Be Your Worst Enemy
In your pursuit of a leaner body, you know doubt utilized a bathroom scale to chronicle your progress. However, you may have been doing yourself a grave disservice. As you know, a scale measures how much weight you have lost, but it will never tell you where this weight was lost from. This is where the problem lies. When dieting, your combined weight loss could potentially come from fat loss, water loss, or muscle loss. Obviously, the former is what we all want to achieve, and the latter two are what we need to try and avoid when
ever dieting. Unfortunately, many of the fad diets claiming rapid weight loss are often achieving this at the expense of water loss and/or muscle loss. Generally speaking, if you are losing greater than two pounds per week you are likely losing muscle as well.
The best way to monitor your progress when embarking on a new diet is to measure your body fat percentage and your lean body mass. Lean body mass is your weight excluding fat. Lean body mass includes bone, muscle, and other fat free tissues with the majority of this being muscle. By measuring these two items, you will be able to determine how much fat you are losing and whether or not you are losing any muscle. The simplest way to measure your body fat percentage is through skinfold testing. If you know a personal trainer or other fitness professional in your area, they will likely be able to take these measurements for you. However, self skinfold testing is available with the use of the “Accu-Mesure”, which can by found easily online.
Once you have determined your body fat percentage, you are ready to calculate your fat weight and lean body mass. To calculate your fat weight, multiply your total weight by your body fat percentage. Remember to convert your body fat percentage to decimal form before multiplying. I.e. 11% body fat would be converted to .11 Once you have calculated your pounds of fat, subtract your pounds of fat from your total weight in pounds, which will give you your lean body mass.
Armed with these simple equations, you will be able to track your weight loss much more accurately than by simply using a scale alone. You will know exactly where your weight loss is coming from, so you can quickly make adjustments to your caloric intake to maximize your results. For example, if your lean body mass decreases and your body fat decreases, this should tell you there is to much of a calorie deficit and you should increase your daily calorie intake slightly to prevent the loss in lean body mass. Whenever you’re on a calorie restricted diet, some loss in lean body mass and therefore muscle is hard to avoid. However, this loss in lean body mass should be limited to a few tenths of a pound per week. Initially, when first starting a diet program, you will likely notice a larger drop in lean body mass due to water loss. Don’t get alarmed by this. An obvious downward trend in your lean body mass over time is definitely a concern.
It is beyond the scope of this article to discuss proper nutrition and how to calculate daily caloric needs for weight loss; however, I will mention a simple formula that can be utilized to get you in the ballpark if you have average or better body fat percentages. To calculate your total daily calories needed for fat loss, multiply your total weight by 12-13. This will give you a good starting point. I will also mention that spreading your calories out over 5-6 meals per day with each meal consisting of approximately 55% complex carbohydrate, 30% lean protein, and 15% fat will give you the best chance of permanent fat loss. Obviously, these percentages may not work for everyone, but they are a great place to start. If you want to maintain your hard earned muscle, it is also imperative you maintain a weight lifting routine, while dieting.
I hope this information will help you achieve all your weight loss goals and help you understand exactly how your nutrition and diet program is affecting your body. There is certainly still a place for the bathroom scale, but unless you’re also measuring the items above, you will never fully realize the affect of your diet program and reaching your full potential may be difficult. I wish you the best of luck.
About the Author: By Mark Petersen. If you enjoyed this article, please visit to find an extensive listing of weight lifting, bodybuilding, fitness, and weight loss related information, resources, and articles. To sign up for our Better Body Newsletter, please email

The best way to monitor your progress when embarking on a new diet is to measure your body fat percentage and your lean body mass. Lean body mass is your weight excluding fat. Lean body mass includes bone, muscle, and other fat free tissues with the majority of this being muscle. By measuring these two items, you will be able to determine how much fat you are losing and whether or not you are losing any muscle. The simplest way to measure your body fat percentage is through skinfold testing. If you know a personal trainer or other fitness professional in your area, they will likely be able to take these measurements for you. However, self skinfold testing is available with the use of the “Accu-Mesure”, which can by found easily online.
Once you have determined your body fat percentage, you are ready to calculate your fat weight and lean body mass. To calculate your fat weight, multiply your total weight by your body fat percentage. Remember to convert your body fat percentage to decimal form before multiplying. I.e. 11% body fat would be converted to .11 Once you have calculated your pounds of fat, subtract your pounds of fat from your total weight in pounds, which will give you your lean body mass.
Armed with these simple equations, you will be able to track your weight loss much more accurately than by simply using a scale alone. You will know exactly where your weight loss is coming from, so you can quickly make adjustments to your caloric intake to maximize your results. For example, if your lean body mass decreases and your body fat decreases, this should tell you there is to much of a calorie deficit and you should increase your daily calorie intake slightly to prevent the loss in lean body mass. Whenever you’re on a calorie restricted diet, some loss in lean body mass and therefore muscle is hard to avoid. However, this loss in lean body mass should be limited to a few tenths of a pound per week. Initially, when first starting a diet program, you will likely notice a larger drop in lean body mass due to water loss. Don’t get alarmed by this. An obvious downward trend in your lean body mass over time is definitely a concern.
It is beyond the scope of this article to discuss proper nutrition and how to calculate daily caloric needs for weight loss; however, I will mention a simple formula that can be utilized to get you in the ballpark if you have average or better body fat percentages. To calculate your total daily calories needed for fat loss, multiply your total weight by 12-13. This will give you a good starting point. I will also mention that spreading your calories out over 5-6 meals per day with each meal consisting of approximately 55% complex carbohydrate, 30% lean protein, and 15% fat will give you the best chance of permanent fat loss. Obviously, these percentages may not work for everyone, but they are a great place to start. If you want to maintain your hard earned muscle, it is also imperative you maintain a weight lifting routine, while dieting.
I hope this information will help you achieve all your weight loss goals and help you understand exactly how your nutrition and diet program is affecting your body. There is certainly still a place for the bathroom scale, but unless you’re also measuring the items above, you will never fully realize the affect of your diet program and reaching your full potential may be difficult. I wish you the best of luck.
About the Author: By Mark Petersen. If you enjoyed this article, please visit to find an extensive listing of weight lifting, bodybuilding, fitness, and weight loss related information, resources, and articles. To sign up for our Better Body Newsletter, please email
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Friday, March 02, 2007
Running Training – Add Running To Your Exercise Routine
By John Purfield
If you want to make great strides with fat loss from your exercise routines, you should consider adding running to your list of exercises. All you need is a pair of running sneakers, warm clothes (on cold days) and you’re ready to go.

The good news is that you don’t have to run very long distances or for long durations to get results. However, after a few weeks you’ll be able to jog for a longer durations of time and distance.
You get results by running on an interval basis for 20 – 25 minutes. For example, you can walk for a minute and then jog for a minute for 10 intervals and you can get a great work out in. You’re body will actually burn fat from interval running.
There are many benefits that come with adding jogging or running to your exercise routine. Here are some that come to mind.
For one, jogging can provide the physical challenge needed to keep you interested in working out. Remember, jogging requires your whole body to perform the movement without any help with a machine. Sure you can use a treadmill. But the treadmill doesn’t do the work for you (at least in my case).
Physical challenges are great for people who spend all of their day leading a sedentary lifestyle. A good challenge may be trying to run a mile in 10 minutes. Achieving these challenges can build pride and confidence.
Running, of course, is one of the many exercises that help you relax. You are using your major muscle groups and using a lot of oxygen from the aerobic exercise. You can easily relieve stress and tension and focus your mind elsewhere instead of common problems. Especially, if you’re committed to reaching a physical goal you set for yourself.
If you like to start adding running to your work out, you should seek the advice of your doctor to make sure you are ready. If haven’t tried running in a long time or feel you are too heavy to jog, you should start off very slowly and with something easy.
You could always interval train because you will still get results. For example, you may want to try and walk for 3 minutes and jog for a minute until you reach 20 minutes. After, executing the workout for a few sessions, you may start feeling like you want to run more.
After a short while, you may see dramatic improvement in your endurance. From there you will start seeing the benefits of running. If you are trying to lose weight you’ll melt the fat away.
About the Author: For a great book filled with
exercise routines to keep you active for a long time, check out our review
of Turbulence Training at
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If you want to make great strides with fat loss from your exercise routines, you should consider adding running to your list of exercises. All you need is a pair of running sneakers, warm clothes (on cold days) and you’re ready to go.

The good news is that you don’t have to run very long distances or for long durations to get results. However, after a few weeks you’ll be able to jog for a longer durations of time and distance.
You get results by running on an interval basis for 20 – 25 minutes. For example, you can walk for a minute and then jog for a minute for 10 intervals and you can get a great work out in. You’re body will actually burn fat from interval running.
There are many benefits that come with adding jogging or running to your exercise routine. Here are some that come to mind.
For one, jogging can provide the physical challenge needed to keep you interested in working out. Remember, jogging requires your whole body to perform the movement without any help with a machine. Sure you can use a treadmill. But the treadmill doesn’t do the work for you (at least in my case).
Physical challenges are great for people who spend all of their day leading a sedentary lifestyle. A good challenge may be trying to run a mile in 10 minutes. Achieving these challenges can build pride and confidence.
Running, of course, is one of the many exercises that help you relax. You are using your major muscle groups and using a lot of oxygen from the aerobic exercise. You can easily relieve stress and tension and focus your mind elsewhere instead of common problems. Especially, if you’re committed to reaching a physical goal you set for yourself.
If you like to start adding running to your work out, you should seek the advice of your doctor to make sure you are ready. If haven’t tried running in a long time or feel you are too heavy to jog, you should start off very slowly and with something easy.
You could always interval train because you will still get results. For example, you may want to try and walk for 3 minutes and jog for a minute until you reach 20 minutes. After, executing the workout for a few sessions, you may start feeling like you want to run more.
After a short while, you may see dramatic improvement in your endurance. From there you will start seeing the benefits of running. If you are trying to lose weight you’ll melt the fat away.
About the Author: For a great book filled with
exercise routines to keep you active for a long time, check out our review
of Turbulence Training at
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