These numbers are disturbing and continue to rise every year. There are more than 30 medical conditions associated with obesity including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder disease, hypertension, liver disease, and stroke.
Obesity is a world wide problem. The World Health Organization (WHO) concludes that more than 1.2 billion people around the world are classified as overweight.
Obesity is a complex disease involving environmental (social and cultural), genetic, physiologic, metabolic, behavioral and psychological components. It is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S.
Carrying excess body weight can increase your risk of developing or worsening an existing medical condition like diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, osteoarthritis and sleep apnea.
Healthy weight, overweight and obese individuals can all benefit from using obesity prevention strategies.
Strategies to Prevent Weight Gain
To help prevent weight gain it is important to assess your behavior and environment and adopt healthy habits
The amount and types of foods you eat, and your physical activity habits are important factors in controlling weight. The environment in which you live may also contribute to the adoption of poor eating or exercise habits. This is especially true in today's society, which is dominated by speed and convenience.
For example, escalators, elevators and remote-control appliances make us less physically active and walking is less frequent than in prior years. Also, greater availability of foods that are high in calories, fat and added sugars, and larger portion sizes promote unhealthy eating behaviors.
In addition, reputable organizations, government agencies and independent researchers agree on the importance of adopting healthy habits to prevent weight gain.
Effective weight management involves behavior modification which is a lifelong commitment and includes at least two components:
Healthful eating in accordance with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, emphasizing a reduction in total calories, a lowered fat consumption, and an increase in vegetables, fruits and whole grains, is an essential part of weight control.
Increased frequent and regular physical activity of at least moderate intensity is also required.
Health professionals also recommend a prescription for health and weight loss that includes:
In addition to exercise and a healthy diet, the use of Wu long tea (also spelled oolong tea or wu long tea) is growing in popularity as a wholesome and flavorful way to limit weight gain.
Will drinking Wu long tea really help lose weight?
For many, Wu long tea is a helpful addition to a comprehensive weight loss program. Wu long tea tastes good, contains health benefits that lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels and a cup of Wu long tea in the morning can serve as a reminder of a healthy life style.

Wu Long tea has become a premium weight loss tea that many are discovering for the first time. If you have never enjoyed the great taste and slimming health benefits it is known for, you are truly missing an incredible opportunity. Originating in the Fujian Province of China, Wu Long tea has gradually been introduced into Western culture. Of all the tea, Wu Long represents the Chinese culture best.
Those who enjoy the flavor and rich aroma unique to slimming Wu Long tea truly understand the art of drinking it – slowly and delicately. Using a tiny teapot and small teacup, they are inheriting a rich tradition, started by the Chinese generations ago. The health benefits of Wu long tea are many:
Scientific studies have established that tea is high in health-promoting polyphenols that protect us against cancer and other diseases. Wu long tea is particularly high in "polymerized polyphenols" which according to recent studies helps to increase energy expenditure.
One recent study found that energy expenditure increased by 10% for a period of 2 hours after drinking wu long tea. This was significantly higher than the energy expenditure observed after drinking other types of tea.
Another study found that wu long tea can suppress lipid metabolism which has the effect of suppressing fatty accumulation and body weight increases. The study concludes that long-term consumption of wu long tea is beneficial for the suppression of diet induced obesity.
Health-promoting compounds such as polyphenols and catechins are present in all types of tea, but hand picked wu long tea is the best source because the pickers are selecting the best leaves from the tea plant. Machine harvesting is indiscriminate and should be avoided - older leaves and twigs are harvested along with the newer leaves.
Wu long tea is not a miracle cure for weight problems. Weight loss involves following a sensible, healthy diet, and a change in lifestyle to include an adequate amount of exercise. Wu long tea however, can give you the extra boost to help in your weight loss plans, but it must be used as part of an overall strategy to improve your living habits.
Weight loss should be part of a healthy lifestyle. Don't undertake crash weight loss programs and adopt a healthy lifestyle including Wu long tea!
About The Author:
Copyright © 2007 Marcus Stout
Marcus Stout is President of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, green tea and black tea go to |
Article Source: thePhantomWriters Article Submission Service
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