Monday, April 06, 2009

Preventing Obesity in Our Children

Preventing Obesity in Our Children

Do you remember when our generation was growing up. You walkedout of your house and all you saw were kids running around on thestreets playing football, hockey, tag and many other physicallyactive games. It didn't matter what time of year it was, kidswere running all over the place. Whether it was on the corner orin the park, they were out tearing it up.

Now let's fast forward to 2009 when you barely ever see a childout playing like we did. Sure there still kids playing organizedsports, but the youths are nowhere to be found. When we weregrowing up, you didn't have to be in a baseball league to playbaseball. Any day that you walked over to the park with a gloveyou could find a pick up game. Same can be said of football andhockey, there was always a game somewhere that needed anotherplayer.

This downward trend probably got its roots in the late 70's asvideo games first came onto the market. Pong came out and all ofa sudden, kids weren't on the streets on Christmas day, theywere inside playing this great new video game. As the yearsprogressed, Atari and Intellivision hit the market and you justnoticed that you friends were not hanging out as much anymore.

Zoom ahead a few more years to Sega and Playstation, and peopleplaying outside became virtually non-existent. All these kidstalk about these days are what game they just got, how to beat acertain level with the cheat codes and what new games are comingout. It is actually not out of the norm for a child to not onlyhave one system, but have 3 or three of these high end gamingsystems. That is actually amazing when you consider the actualcosts of them.

As all this was happening, there was a noticeable change in theyouths of our society. There were getting fatter and fatter.While there were definitely obese children when we were growingup, you are probably hard pressed to remember 5 names that youcan put to children in your class that would have been consideredobese. That is far from the case now as WebMD reports that about"one out of every five children in the US is overweight orobese." That is a scary thought.

There are of course more reasons than being sedentary that willresult in obesity. The most common reason being genetics.Children that have it in their natural genes are fighting ittheir whole life and there really is nothing that they can do.However, this same issue was relevant when we were growing up.There are simply not that many people that are geneticallyinclined to be obese to make up the number that we are faced withtoday.

What we need to do is get out YOUNG children off of the videogames and out playing again. It is such a serious concern thatthe NFL has actually started a campaign to get children out ofthe house and playing for just one hour a day. It is amazing thatit has come to this but it has.

Parents today need to take an active role in their children'shealth. That means making sure that they eat properly and thatyou supply them with the right toys early on in their lives andintroduce them to physical activity. Instead of buying them thathand held video game, buy them a pedal toy that will start to letthem enjoy activities that are physical at an early age.

Pedal toys are a great way to have them active and keep theirinterest in activity that will hopefully keep them in shape andnot have them fall into the category of being obese. If you areworried about getting your child on the pedal toy, don't bebecause they come in a variety of shapes and sized and also comein some of their favorite television characters.

They can choose a plane, a car, a fire engine and or just a plainold tricycle. Remember how happy when we got our first bike orBig Wheel? This is what we have to get our children back to if weare going to fight of this horrible trend that is sweeping ourcountry.

If you think it is being overstated, you are wrong. When you lookat the possible conditions that your child may be susceptible toif they are obese, your heart should skip a beat. Things likehigh blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and high cholesterolare but a few, but you can see how serious they are. Each andevery one of these conditions can be debilitating.

Take the time with your child and get them involved in physicalactivities again. Take them shopping for a pedal toy and tellthem they can have anyone they want. Imagine the excitement ontheir face knowing they are going to be able to go home with theexact pedal toy that they choose! It's the equivalent of yourspouse taking you to the car dealership and telling you that youcan have your pick. Are you getting the idea! More importantlythan putting a smile on your child's face, they will be well ontheir way to a much healthier life.

This article was written by: Kim Michael. To find these and many other selections of Educational and Fun Toys, Children, Toddlers and Baby Furnishings, please visit us online at:
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Sunday, April 05, 2009

An Inch Loss and Cellulite Healing Alternative That Works!!

An Inch Loss and Cellulite Healing Alternative That Works!!Copyright © 2009 Rita Canada

During my "wellness quest" over the past couple of decades, Istumbled upon the benefits of all natural herbal body wraps.Traditional body wraps that are done at salons can be beneficial,but you have to investigate the ingredients and applicationmethods to be sure they are not geared toward achieving simple"water loss." Some types of "full body" wraps can be timelyand expensive if treating once a week, but with that aside theycan offer some good results including detoxification, help withcellulite, inch loss and smoother skin overall.

Personally, it was one of God's greatest gifts when I stumbledupon the The Ultimate Slimming Body Applicator, and I amcompelled to share about them as a great complement to anylong-term health and wellness plan!

The Ultimate Applicator is a site-specific slimming body wrap(how cool is that?!) designed for abs, back, legs, arms and chinarea. The wrap is made of a non-woven cloth and is an easy,powerful one-step application formula that helps you to loseinches, tighten and tone, and improves skin texture for youngerlooking skin. As a side benefit, the in-home wrap is great forpeople with busy schedules who need a "jump start" to theirSpring/Summer inch-loss plan.

How Does the Wrap Work?

The body wrap can be used in less than an hour, because 80percent of the product is absorbed within 45 minutes. You may,however, leave the wrap on as long as you like to get the other20 percent in your system. The wrap contains herbs that getthrough the pores of your skin and penetrate 4 layers to the fatlayer, where we store toxins. The herbs and lipase enzymes thenmetabolize, breaking up the fat and toxins into little pieces,which are then excreted. This detoxifies at the cellular level,which is why drinking water is so important to maximize results!The results are both immediate and progressive. Those who use thewraps religiously over the long term see significant results totheir inch loss and overall skin texture. There is even a facialwrap that targets primarily toning and tightening (sweet)!

While these body wraps were originally formulated to detoxify,the wonderful side affect of losing fat, inches and cellulitehealing was discovered. What makes it even better is THE ULTIMATEAPPLICATOR is formulated without mineral oil, lanolin, propyleneglycol, isopropyl alcohol, artificial colorants, syntheticfragrances, or animal by-products. It has a safe preservativesystem without formaldehyde releasers and a low parabensconcentration, made with natural herbs. It has beenscientifically researched for over 25 years, and is approved inJapan, the European community and United States.

I personally have incorporated The Ultimate Body Applicator aspart of my overall wellness program for the long term.Detoxification is such a vital part of good health, along withhealthy eating, exercise and other quarterly body balancingregimens.

Any step toward good health is a step closer toward being all Godmeant you to be! I would like to challenge you this season to beproactive about your health in a major way . . . and to STEP UPto radiant freedom!

Natural health and weight management expert Rita Canada helpsbusy executives and entrepreneurs detox their bodies, loseinches, get in shape, and feel great so they have more energy fortheir life and business. Learn more about The Ultimate Applicatorbody wrap that helps you lose inches in 45 minutes by mobilizingfat cells and removing harmful toxins from your body. This isn'twater weight -- it's actual fat removal! Learn more about thisnatural alternative treatment for fat and cellulite through theamazing Ultimate Applicator detoxing inch loss wraps.

============================================================Natural health and weight management expert Rita Canada helps busy executives and entrepreneurs detox their bodies, lose inches, get in shape, and feel great so they have more energy for their life and business. Learn more about The Ultimate Applicator body wrap that helps you lose inches in 45 minutes by mobilizing fat cells and removing harmful toxins from your body. This isn't water weight -- it's actual fat removal! Learn more about this natural alternative treatment for fat and cellulite through the amazing Ultimate Applicator detoxing inch loss wraps. ============================================================

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

How You Can Look And Feel Younger Longer

How You Can Look And Feel Younger Longer

Copyright © 2009 Jasper Ravensberg, alternative health practitioner

It is a fact that we are all living longer and, what's more, we are going to live longer still. According to the opinions of some eminent scientific bodies we shall very soon all be living to 100 years or more, which is wonderful, so long as we are healthy and can enjoy our lives to the full.

Normal aging is a natural process. From the moment we are born, the cells which make up the organs, glands and all the other parts of our system are constantly dying and being replaced by new ones. Whilst we are growing and developing, the rate of our cellular reproduction is much greater than the rate of our cells dying.

Which means that we are producing more vigorous cells at this time to allow for this growing. It is estimated that the middle age normally starts somewhere around the age of 25, and the body begins its long wind down, which than continues through old age. The human body is all to often regarded as a collection of separate independent systems. This is why there are so many separate specialties in medicine.

We have Endocrinology dealing with the glands; Urology dealing with the bladder. Nephrology dealing with the kidneys, Gynaecology dealing with the reproductive system, Rheumatology dealing with rheumatoid diseases, Cardiology dealing with the heart and circulation - the list goes on and on.

In fact each of the individual systems within the body relies heavily upon each of the others. The body cannot survive without any one of the systems which confirms this fact. Therefore, in order for the overall health of the body to be good, all of the individual systems such as the circulatory system, nervous system, skeletal system, digestive system, endocrine system and immune system should all be balanced and should coordinate with each other.

This coordination depends not only on external things like good nutrition, exercise and freedom from stress, it also depends a great deal on the actual internal structure and health of each of the cells of each of the individual systems. From the moment we are born the cells within our bodies are dying and being replaced by new ones.

The quality of the cells replacement depends on the quality of the cells they are replacing. In other words the dying cell is the blueprint of the new cell. Biological aging starts when the quality of the cells throughout the body begin to deteriorate. When we are young the cells that die are replaced by new energetic ones.

This cellular replacement continues throughout our lifetime. However when the quality of the new cells being replaced declines, as happens through premature aging or disease, then so does the quality of our whole life. At the end of the day we are only as strong or as healthy as each of our individual cells.

The Problem With Traditional Medicine

Have you ever been 'dismissed' by your doctor with a 'pull yourself together talk' when he could not diagnose any sick-related cause? Where you leaving the practise with a nasty feeling because you had the idea you where fretful? But still suffering vague health complaints?

If you are living a busy and stressful life and reaching your 40's or 50's, changes are you might experience health problems such as a diminished energy, vitality and interest to life. Or you have no interest in either physical or mental contact with other people and all too often the first function to suffer is your sexual interest and ability.

Unfortunately, today, the above scenario happens more and more. It is an undeniable fact that we are all living longer today and it would be unreasonable not to accept that in some respects our quality of life has been improved through orthodox medicine.

For example: heart bypass operations are now commonplace and many thousands of patients have been given a new lease of life as a result of this procedure. Blocked blood vessels around the heart are replaced with new ones taken from other parts of the body.

Many lifesaving drugs have been developed by the pharmaceutical industry, from the early days of antibiotics to the discovery and administration of Insulin for diabetic patients to highlight two. The list of these drugs goes on to include heart medication, pain killers and many others.

The question and the problem is, however, that the researchers and inventors of these drugs did not ever formulated them for permanent use. It is so often the problem of over-prescribing drugs where dangers of side effects and addiction are most noticeable. Most drugs are designed to deal with the symptoms of a particular illness or disease.

But there are times when we are not really ill, and where there is no life threatening disease diagnosed. There is only a constant feeling of tiredness. It is during these times when it is impossible to recharge the batteries through natural sleep that we wake up still feeling tired in the morning.

There is a huge doubt that the researchers and inventors of many of these drugs ever formulated them for permanent use. It is so often the problem of over-prescribing of drugs where dangers of side effects and addiction are most noticeable.

The majority of people have no desire to become dependent on some form of chemical medication to get them through their daily lives. They don't want to be addicted, as so many people are, to tranquillisers, sleeping pills, anti-depressants, painkillers and blood pressure pills. All of these are know to have undesirable side effects, and none of them really solve the problem. Their primary action is simply to cover up the symptoms.

It is a fact that each new orthodox medical discovery seems to carry with it side effects. So many wonder drugs, initially regarded as major breakthroughs, are exposed later as having these undesirable side effects.

These include Valium, Ativan, Betablockers, Cortisone and now Halcion, which are a few examples of the kinds of medicines that have made the public, and to some lesser extent the medical profession itself, look for more natural, less toxic, harmful, and addictive methods of administering treatment to needy patients.

This awareness of the side effects is evident as the more well-known complementary or alternative techniques become fashionable and more desirable. These include homeopathy, Aromatherapy, Herbalism and list goes on.

Anti-Aging And Health Secret Of The 'Rich And Famous' Little By Little Gets Discovered By The Public

Doctor Peter M. Stephan from the Stephan Clinic in London has been practising biological medicine for more than twenty-five years. He received his initial training in Cell Therapy following the work and theories of the late Professor Paul Niehans who developed Cell Therapy in1931. His treatment involved the injection of new embryonic cells taken from sheep.

At the time the orthodox medical profession described his ideas as "quackery" and they say it would never work. They described it as potentially dangerous and yet the following people found their way to the clinics in Switserland and London. Britain's Prime Minister: Sir Winston Churchill, President Charles de Gaulle of France, Chancellor Konrad Adenauer from Germany, The Emperor and Empress of Japan, President Dwight D. Eisenhower of The United States of America, and many more.

All these people were active in very old age and impressed the world with their vigour and vitality. They all had the best medical advice and yet they sought an alternative.

In his book "Total Wellness" Doctor Peter M. Stephan points out how you can achieve good health and longevity with his latest development called "Bio-Nutritional Therapy". This involves a range of natural Bio-Foods that utilises the principles of the third generation of Cell Therapy and his 25 years of experience in the field of rejuvenation.

If you want to discover more about his Bio-Nutritional Therapy and learn how you can stay younger longer, you can download his book for free at our website:

About The Author:

Jasper Ravensberg is an alternative health practitioner and co-author of the book Total Wellness, at his website you can download this book for free to learn more about Bio-Nutritional Therapy. A safe and natural method to help you stay younger longer. See: to download the e-book.

Read More Articles from Jasper Ravensberg, alternative health practitioner:
Jasper Ravensberg, alternative health practitioner's Articles on Foods As Medicine
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