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By Suzanne Holman
Have you ever been lying in bed, unable to sleep as you anticipate the followingday?
September brings memories back to me of experiences throughout many years ofschool.
Were you at all like me, lying awake the night before the first day of
school,wondering who would be in my class, who would be my teacher,

What issues keep you awake at night now? Do you have problems that you findyourself trying to solve during the night? Many people struggle with sleep mostof all on Sunday nights as they think about starting the new week. If you havethings on your mind at bedtime, take a little time to write down your thoughtsbefore sleeping. Even keep a notepad near your bed so that you can write a fewnotes if something occurs to you while lying in bed. Moving your thoughts fromyour brain to paper can help to put your mind at ease.
If you are having problems having peaceful sleep for any reason, it can havenegative effects on many parts of your life and your physical and mental health.
Taking some precautions can make all the difference.
Keep Bedroom Only For S & SYes, S & S.
That stands for sleep and sex. Experts tell us that when we doanything else in the bedroom, it can lead to sleep problems. Forget aboutworking in the bedroom. Use your computer and watch TV in other parts of thehouse.
Having a consistent sleeping and waking schedule can help your body

Daylight Bright Light
Our sleep patterns of feeling sleepy at night and awake during the day areregulated by light and darkness. Strong light, like bright outdoor light is themost powerful regulator of our biological clock. Even on a cloudy day, outsidelight is brighter than indoor light.

This sunlight helps our internal biological clock to reset each day. Sleepexperts for anyone having problems falling asleep recommend an hour of morningsunlight.
Room Temperature
Sleep researchers disagree on what the optimal temperatures are for best sleep.What is most important is that the temperature is comfortable for you.Generally, a slightly cool room is best. This mimics what happens inside thebody as our internal temperature drops during the night to its lowest level.This is usually about four hours after sleep begins. A hot sleeping environmentcan lead to more wake time and lighter sleep.
Exercising 20 to 30 minutes a day often can help people sleep better. Workingout too close to bedtime may interfere with sleep. Try to get your exerciseabout 5 to 6 hours before going to bed.
These are all pretty simple actions to take to insure a good night's sleep. Ifyou are still having problems sleeping, you may need to consult a sleep expertto see if you have a sleep disorder that may be keeping you awake.
If there are concerns on your mind that are hindering your productivity, it mayhelp to get some support. Suzanne Holman is your productivity coach, located at Visit the site for free resourcesincluding a strategy session to get you started!
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Hello, This is Mary
I am 36 years old with 2 toddlers. My youngest just started day care last week- which still feels a little strange. I haven't had this much time to myself in years. First thing I want to do is lose the extra pounds I put on during the last pregnancy. One of the girls next door has suggested I join her walking group two days a week. After my first pregnancy I lost around 35 pounds using the Herbalife products, but when I called the man that sold them to me three years ago he told me this week he doesn't sell them anymore. He told me to look on the internet. It's disappointing because he was really nice and he called me regularly to make sure I was using their products correctly. It was nice to have someone checking in with me every week to see how I was and it kept me motivated.
I searched on the internet for someone that sells Herbalife in New Jersey. I found many websites but I don't want
just to buy the products, I want to find someone trustworthy that sells the products so I can also meet them and get started again.
Could anybody here recommend someone in New Brunswick?
Thanks, Mary
Hi Mary,
From one mom to another I think I have a solution for you!! I want to lose 40 pounds, and I've lost 28 so far!!! I am feeling fantastic and have more energy than I did when I was in college. I went through three different Herbalife distributors until I found the person I felt really actually cared about me and helped me to start getting results. The bottom line was that I wanted to find somebody that could offer me good prices, but that could also check in with me to make sure I was doing ok.
I used to drive two hours to meet with my first distributor in West Haven, Connecticut. I even brought the girls with me a few times because I couldn't find a babysitter. Today my Herbalife coach does everything over the phone and it is much easier with my busy schedule. You can order Herbalife online on his website, you get the shakes a few days after with FedEx and then you can setup a telephone meeting once a week to make sure you are doing the program right.
His name is Danny Castello and his website is The number is (310) 928- 3835. He and his girlfriend Michaela actually do most of the coaching together as a team, but she has an Herbalife site as well: He does most of the motivation on the call and gives you important facts regarding nutrition. He can be a bit tough but he really wants you to get results. She is a bit softer- so they make a good combination. Actually I also recommend joining his newsletter first so you can see the articles on nutrition. They also have videos so you can see who they are before actually calling them. Its nice because they actually use the products too. You can see on their websites.
Hope this helps!
Quite helpful data, lots of thanks for your article.
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