Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Finding the Right Diet – Zone, South Beach, Atkins?

Of the most popular diet philosophies today, which one is best?
Is it the high carb, low fat diet, the low carb, high protein diet or simply the low calorie diet? The heated debate continues.

Although these diets and their many variations have been successful with weight loss, there are several questions that need to be addressed:

Is the diet effective in the short or long term? Is it family friendly? That is, can the rest of the family participate or do you have to purchase a separate set of diet food products for yourself? What is the cost involved? These are just some things to think about before making your decision.

The other thing you need to ask yourself is which diet plan would you be most comfortable with? The Zone, South Beach and Atkins diets are based on higher contents of animal protein, while Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig are higher in carbohydrate contents.

To see how we rated these and other popular diets, you can check out our diet reviews page. Let us know what you think. Give us your own diet review, if you wish and we’ll post it.

weight loss

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