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Men around the world are just as self conscious about their body image as women. However, keeping low body fat is not just for looks, it is also important for health. Here are the 17 reasons why men need to keep low body fat:
1) As you age your metabolism slows down drastically. This ultimately causes your body to burn less fat.
2) Without exercising regularly, the average person will lose about a pound of muscle each year.

3) After the age of 30, the average person in America gains about one pound per year without exercise.
4) Two out of five people do not exercise at all.
5) Most people begin a weight loss program in order to look more appealing.
6) Other motivational factors are the many health benefits of proper nutrition and regular exercise.
7) Less excess body fat will help you reduce our risk of developing a disease such as diabetes.
8) Excess body fat is connected to heart disease and cancer.
9) Extra blood sugar stored in your liver and other vital organs, is turned into body fat after a long period of being unused.
10) Extra body fat is proven to cause erectile dysfunction.
11) Your heart has to work about 10 times harder to pump blood through the excess fat.
12) Your blood vessels will become very narrow and pump less blood.
13) Losing excess body fat as early as possible plays a vital role in maintaining good health.
14) The older you get, the harder it is for you to lose the excess weight.
15) 80% of all deaths caused by obesity are due to the individual’s lifestyle.
16) If you are highly overweight, your pancreas will produce unnecessary insulin.

17) An active lifestyle and well balanced diet is proven to fully stop diseases.
While you are busy keeping the body fat levels down, do not forget to eat the proper foods and keep important supplements in your body. Here are the 4 main supplements needed for full body health:
1) Creatine
One particular study from the University of Wisconsin, has shown that men who take creatine are able to do heavier exercises. A few of these included squats, bench presses, dumbbell lifts, and even pull ups with weights. Studies in Australia have shown that creatine usage in men has been linked to better memory and higher intelligence scores. In order to get the maximum results, it is recommended to mix 5 milligrams of creatine with whey protein daily.
2) Boron
A high level of this mineral has been proven to help reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer by up to 50%. Men in the United States by far have some of the lowest boron levels in comparison to other countries. Just 3 milligrams daily of Boron will help fight cancer and improve concentration.
3) Calcium
Today many men are not getting their daily allowance of 1,000 milligrams. A cup of regular milk has only about 300 milligrams of calcium. One study has found that men with high calcium levels weigh less than men with low levels of calcium. It is recommended you take 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day. Also stay far away from coral calcium. It has been shown to have many impurities which can adversely affect your health.
4) Chromium
Chromium is mainly used to assist in muscle building. Today’s research has shown that chromium
can help overweight people control their insulin levels. This makes it better to keep your levels of blood sugar in check. Overall, chromium can decrease your risk of developing diabetes when used properly.
Copyright 2007 Donald Mckenzie Jr
About the Author: Donald Mckenzie Jr has over 5 years experience as a health instructor. For access to more of his important health articles and e-books, visit his website.
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
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