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Diabetes and Diet
Holidays And Diabetes: Six Tips For Enjoying Season’s Treats
The holiday season spanning November to January is a special time for many. Whenever you celebrate Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa or New Year’s holidays there will be lavish festivities featuring buffets groaning with food. Families will unite around the dining table to enjoy the many wonderful dishes and special holiday treats traditionally served.
The hyper-abundance of rich foods, beverages and desserts can wreak havoc on the diets of most during the holidays. If you have diabetes or pre-diabetes, holiday dining can pose considerable challenges. Diabetes is a disorder that leads to high glucose or sugar levels in the blood when the body produces little or no insulin – the chemical the body uses to break down sugars in the blood. Roughly 90% of diabetics have what’s called type 2 diabetes. The body’s cells are insulin resistant, and the disease is managed with careful meal planning, exercise and medication when needed. Pre-diabetes occurs when the blood glucose level is higher than normal, but not yet high enough to be classified as diabetes. Many traditional holiday dishes are loaded with the very fats, sugars, salt and alcohol diabetics are working to minimize. How to cope? Here are six tips for enjoying the food-laden holidays with diabetes.
#1 - Plan for Best Results
Let’s face facts: you will eat. But your diabetic meal plan takes no holidays. With diabetes you must have a strategy in place to cope with the deluge of delights before you indulge. Work with your dietician and your doctor to develop a plan, and then stick to the plan. If you must sample some of Aunt Hilda’s famed dessert, know what food trades you must make to do so. Maybe you'll need to adjust your medication. Or add extra walks to your daily routine (see tip #5). Work with your diabetes team to come up with a plan that meets your needs.
#2 - Never Go Hungry
During the holidays lots of people go to parties ravenous. No wonder they overeat. Ensure you have a balanced breakfast and lunch the day of the party. Eat a small yogurt or other healthy snack before you arrive.
#3 - Eat the Stuff That’s Good for You
Start with the healthy stuff – the veggie platter, fresh salads – first, before choosing the fried, creamed, cheese-filled, processed, high-fat goodies and desserts.
#4 - Focus on Friends and Family Before Food
Too often we mindlessly munch while distracted or mesmerized by good conversation, a movie or the football game and we never realize just how much we’ve really consumed. With diabetes, you’ve got to track your food intake. The holidays are a time to celebrate family and friends. Put the food down, and give your companions your full attention. There’s plenty of time to eat later.
#5 - Step It Up
Walking after a meal is perhaps the most important thing you can do during the holidays for diabetes. In fact it’s something everyone can do during the holidays, diabetic or not. A nice long postprandial constitutional about one hour after a meal will help lower your blood sugars and reduce any stresses of the season. Invite your loved ones along and enjoy their company. You could be helping them to stave off diabetes.
#6 - Always Monitor Your Blood Sugars
Don’t skip testing during the holidays. Make sure that your blood sugars stay in check. Sometimes even the best laid eating plans go awry because you can’t always know exactly what went into that food you ate. Also, make sure someone at the gathering knows you have diabetes. If your blood sugars drop too low and you become hypoglycemic someone should be able to recognize you need help.
Above all, relax, enjoy your family and the fun times. Take some time out for yourself. Use these six tips to help you stay healthy during the holidays with diabetes.
By Cydne Kaelin
About the Author: Health writer Cydne Kaelin is a wife, niece and granddaughter of diabetics. Visit http://www.naturaldiabetesremedy.com for more tips on holidays and diabetes management.
Source: http://www.isnare.com/
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=207493&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Weight Loss for a Kidney Transplant Patient
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By John Tiniakos
A client recently came to me for help with weight loss. He was the recipient of a kidney transplant one year ago. He was extremely overweight for his body type (he carried the majority of the weight around the mid section) and was desperate to lose the excess fat. His name is Ted.
First of all Ted had a sedentary lifestyle. He worked in an office environment and did not exercise at all. He asked me to put him on a regular exercise program. I suggested that he join a health club and

Presently he is alternating between 1 hour and a half and two hour walks, 5 days a week. Ted also uses the incline option for 15 minutes per session at level 1. He says the training sessions are pretty challenging and that he perspires quite a bit. Ted added that his physical condition has improved and he felt much better. He was 8 weeks into the program and was happy with his fitness progress but disappointed with the weight loss part. He had only lost 6 pounds from the time he started.
Ted came to me and said that he was now ready to hear my thoughts on diet composition and restriction. I asked him a few questions and found out that he watches television quite a bit in the evenings. And during that time he munches on snack foods. The munching continues right up until bed time. He also wakes up during the night and goes to the refrigerator for sweets, ice-cream, etc. His breakfast, lunch and dinner meals weren’t really so bad with respect to calorie, carb and fat contents.
So the real problem was his late night snacking. We had to work on that. To keep it simple I just asked him to do one thing at the beginning. And that was to stop eating 3 hours before bedtime. He tried that but said that he just could not stick to it. He found it very difficult to not munch while watching television. I asked him what time he went to bed and he said at 1:00 am. And that he watched TV until 1:00 am (which meant he snacked until 1:00 am).
I suggested he find something else to do (besides television) between 10 pm and bedtime (last 3 hours). That may help eliminate the munching because it’s associated with watching TV. I found out that he was taking part time correspondence courses and did his assignments after dinner, approximately between 6-9 pm.
I asked him to switch his television and homework time periods around - In other words, to leave his homework for the last 3 hours before bed. Because he didn’t want to miss his TV shows I suggested that he tape them each night and to watch them the following day after dinner.
This way he could still snack while watching his programming and refrain from eating during his study time. He said that was not so difficult to do because he normally didn’t binge during this period anyway. Although he still felt the urge to snack periodically but didn’t find it as difficult to fight off. Eventually he got used to this new system.
Two months later, he had lost another 15 pounds of fat. He couldn’t believe it, because he wasn’t really dieting. What happened was, because he stopped eating 3 hours before he went to sleep, he stopped waking up in the middle of the night. This eliminated his trips to the fridge which resulted in a reduction in total daily food intake – and this happened just because he slept through it (which didn’t require any work). In addition, in the mornings he woke up easier with much more energy.
Ted says he has twenty five more pounds to go to reach his target weight. Now we will work on diet composition and will follow that with increases in exercise intensity. I will update you on his progress.
John Tiniakos helps make weight loss easier through proven weight loss methods using information and analysis from the worlds leading scientists. To receive John’s Free 7-Part Weight Loss Mini Course please visit: Weight Loss Mini Course
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Friday, November 23, 2007
Home Fitness Equipment For Every Exercise
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Home Fitness Equipment For Every Exercise
Many people feel more comfortable in their own homes exercising and thus the need for every kind of home fitness equipment on the market. You have equipment for the stomach, upper body, lower body, and the entire body.

Although some of the equipment makes be a little bulky, home fitness equipment usually stores always nicely. You can find equipment that costs some money or you can find just as nice equipment that does not cost you a fortune. Not one piece of equipment is better than the other. It all becomes a matter of personal preference. Most of the fitness equipment comes with instructions on how to use the equipment for the areas of the body. This is supplied with either written directions or a DVD.
Some of the home fitness equipment includes weights, stairs stepper, exercise bicycles, treadmills and weight benches. With all these innovated designs and styles, you should be able to find equipment that you can use at home.
Looking To Flatten Your Stomach
If you are looking to flatten your stomach, the home fitness equipment has many different machines that help you with this task. Have you heard about the AB Rocker, rolling machine and the AB Lounge to name a few? These machines aid you in working the stomach muscles to tone and flatten while strengthening the muscles as well.
If you choose to use the AB Lounge, you can purchase this home fitness machine at stores like Wal-Mart and Sears. The thing to remember about the AB Lounge, your weight has some considerations when using the machine as well as your height. Therefore, trying a floor model in the store, might give you a better idea if you can us ethe device.
The AB Lounge gives you no motivation. Many of the home fitness equipment you use has a plan, with the AB Lounge you have nothing to keep you motivated while performing the routine. If you need something to keep you motivated, this might not be the correct piece of equipment for you.
A Cardiovascular Workout
For a full upper and lower body workout, you might consider a treadmill. This not only works the entire body, but helps with burning calories while toning the entire body.
If you need something a little trendier, a stair stepper gives you a good cardiovascular workout while toning and burning calories as well. You have more options for resistance with this type of home fitness equipment. You will receive a great workout with this equipment.
Another type of home fitness equipment that most people do not even know about is the Elliptical trainers. It has been said that this equipment

You should no problem planning an exercise routine with any of these home fitness equipment devices and to build a perfectly toned body. You can choose which piece of equipment best suits your needs and level of motivation.
By Wade Robins
About the Author: You can also find more info on buy home gym and equipment home.
Source: http://www.isnare.com/
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=203098&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Oh no...Here come the Holidays again..How do I avoid Weight Gain?
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The Yo-Yo Diet Syndrome
Being an owner of a swimwear store and website, I can't tell you how many times women storm out of the fitting room bemoaning how fat they perceive themselves to be. They state they will return in two weeks after they get rid of the ten pounds that stands between them and looking great in a swimsuit. And so begins the classic struggle that is played out a

We are set up to fail, time and time again, by ruthless marketing of fast food and poor nutritional choices by an industry answering only to their shareholders. There was the point in time when I too ranted about this relentless campaign to make Americans fatter and fatter. But the fault lies not with the companies trying to entice you, it rest solely of the shoulders of each and every person who strives to live health and maintain an optimum weight. We choose to be uneducated and illiterate about even the basics of nutrition and food choices, relying on a

No article can even begin to address all of this critical information, but here is one that is right at the top of the list. The American-led concept of low/non-fat foods and sugar-free products. Some simple research will demonstrate that if trace back to the time these products were first introduced, that was the starting point of Americans getting more and more obese. The food industry will tell you that their dangerous additives such as aspartame are there to help people fight obesity. Maybe ask them the question as to why their additive started the problem. Study and study show that dieting adults who regularly use diet foods that are low/non-fat or sugar free consume 25% MORE calories per day than the person who consumes only the natural version. Impossible you may say, how can this be?
Very simple process at work here, the mind, through the barrage of advertising claiming their virtue, views foods with these labels as being so devoid of sugar or fat that you automatically consume more simply because of the label. When fat-free donuts were introduced, many people considered that an invitation to consume the entire box since that nasty fat was gone. Calories are calories and when in excess, they are converted to fat, especially with sugary carbs, like in the donut. Another point here, if a product has its fat removed, then the only way they can get it to the point where you tolerate the taste is to add sugar. Same from the other side, take out sugar, put in fat. They realize you must have taste or it will be so bland, the market won't bear it. A quick look at the caloric content will show not much difference in calories between the non-fat and regular. Sly manufacturers even adjust the serving size down a bit so it appears you are taking in less.
Here is the major point of this example. The sweetening additives, along with the depleted version of the product, fail to timely inform your brain that you are full. A strange concept but a healthy working body tells you when you have had enough, you are full, and it is time to stop. With the diet versions and additives, that signal appears only after you have consumed way too much. Hence, the 25% increase in calories between the two users. Of course, the food industry loves this. You pay much more for the diet version and eat more of it than the person eating the regular item. The normal fat, in say, a product like ice cream, serves the purpose of telling your body when it is full and enough is enough. At that point, you must make a conscious decision to overeat. With diet versions, you never get that valuable message until the damage is done. This is just one example of how you need to get smart about nutrition and take responsibility in getting a lifetime diet strategy that gets you the optimum weight you desire.
By Frank Kuzniacki
About the Author: Swimwear may be my business, but health and nutrition are my passion. Good health and nutrition starts with knowledge. Brought to you by http://www.shirleyandcompany/ Where stylish swimwear and Juicy Couture cloths and accessories are just a click away.
Source: http://www.isnare.com/
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=199441&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Thursday, November 01, 2007
How To Lose Water Weight - 5 Tips
How To Lose Water Weight - 5 Tips
Retaining excess water can make you feel bloated. It can also make your
wrists, ankles, hands and feet swell and your face look puffy. Sure, you have probably learned that the best way to lose water weight is actually to drink more water. This is absolutely true. In fact, water weight is usually a sign that your body is “scared” to lose any more water and as a countermeasure is retaining it like a camel. The thing is, you are not a camel!
Here are 5 tips for fine-tuning your water weight loss plan:
Tip #1: Get a 32 oz. or 64 oz. refillable container: You can find these little babies for very cheap at almost any discount or sporting goods store and they come in all kinds of cool designs. Buy them not for their cool designs, however, but rather for their amazing capacity: you can really put a lot of water into these things. And, unlike a conventional cup, their portable design encourages you to carry them wherever you go. If you drink just 1 - 2 of these mega-containers’ worth of water each day, your body will start shedding the excess water that it has been holding onto for dear life for so long.
Tip #2: Add a little lemon or lime: To your mega-container, add a squeeze or two of lemon or lime. These citrus fruits act as natural diuretics, and their refreshing taste makes the water go down that much easier.
Tip #3: Eat lower sodium foods: Sodium and water weight go hand-in-hand. When you drink more water, your body is freed to release some of its sodium stores. Conversely, when you switch to a lower sodium diet, your body will tend to store less excess water. Bonus tip: cutting down on diet sodas will cut your sodium intake significantly.
Tip #4: Try a natural diuretic: Diuretics help your body flush water weight. But prescription diuretics can be rather harsh on your system and often cause intense diarrhea. Try a natural diuretic such as an herbal-based one for a gentler, healthier experience of forcing that excess water out of your body.
Tip #5: Sprinkle in some exercise: Yes, that weight loss panacea, exercise, comes in handy for helping you to lose water weight, too. The type of exercise that helps you lose weight is aerobic exercise: the kind that gets your heart moving at a steady, faster rate and burns the calories as you work out. However, anaerobic exercise - or weight training – is also a great way to lose weight. With weight training, you actually increase your resting metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn calories when you are not moving). Bonus tip: choose exercises that work the areas of your body (e.g., wrists or ankles) that need the most help in losing water.
Drinking more water is the cornerstone to a water weight loss strategy. Adding a bit of citrus to your water, taking natural diuretics, eating a low sodium diet, and doing concentrated exercises can also help you shed that weight. Losing water weight is the first step to looking sexy and feeling great with a comprehensive weight loss plan.
By Susan Willis
About the Author: Looking to lose extra pounds fast by eating the right foods? Try a proven eating plan invented by a professional bodybuilder: http://www.no-fat-yes-muscle.com/
Source: http://www.isnare.com/
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program

Here are 5 tips for fine-tuning your water weight loss plan:
Tip #1: Get a 32 oz. or 64 oz. refillable container: You can find these little babies for very cheap at almost any discount or sporting goods store and they come in all kinds of cool designs. Buy them not for their cool designs, however, but rather for their amazing capacity: you can really put a lot of water into these things. And, unlike a conventional cup, their portable design encourages you to carry them wherever you go. If you drink just 1 - 2 of these mega-containers’ worth of water each day, your body will start shedding the excess water that it has been holding onto for dear life for so long.

Tip #2: Add a little lemon or lime: To your mega-container, add a squeeze or two of lemon or lime. These citrus fruits act as natural diuretics, and their refreshing taste makes the water go down that much easier.
Tip #3: Eat lower sodium foods: Sodium and water weight go hand-in-hand. When you drink more water, your body is freed to release some of its sodium stores. Conversely, when you switch to a lower sodium diet, your body will tend to store less excess water. Bonus tip: cutting down on diet sodas will cut your sodium intake significantly.
Tip #4: Try a natural diuretic: Diuretics help your body flush water weight. But prescription diuretics can be rather harsh on your system and often cause intense diarrhea. Try a natural diuretic such as an herbal-based one for a gentler, healthier experience of forcing that excess water out of your body.
Tip #5: Sprinkle in some exercise: Yes, that weight loss panacea, exercise, comes in handy for helping you to lose water weight, too. The type of exercise that helps you lose weight is aerobic exercise: the kind that gets your heart moving at a steady, faster rate and burns the calories as you work out. However, anaerobic exercise - or weight training – is also a great way to lose weight. With weight training, you actually increase your resting metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn calories when you are not moving). Bonus tip: choose exercises that work the areas of your body (e.g., wrists or ankles) that need the most help in losing water.
Drinking more water is the cornerstone to a water weight loss strategy. Adding a bit of citrus to your water, taking natural diuretics, eating a low sodium diet, and doing concentrated exercises can also help you shed that weight. Losing water weight is the first step to looking sexy and feeling great with a comprehensive weight loss plan.
By Susan Willis
About the Author: Looking to lose extra pounds fast by eating the right foods? Try a proven eating plan invented by a professional bodybuilder: http://www.no-fat-yes-muscle.com/
Source: http://www.isnare.com/
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Halloween and Holidays Around the Corner – Diet Tips Anyone?
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Tips On Weight Loss – 3 Helpful Tips For Parents To Lose Weight During The Autumn Months And Holiday Season
By John Purfield
Are you worried about gaining weight during the fall and winter months? Well don’t worry, while it is challenging enough to maintain your weight, you can actually lose weight during the fall and winter months.

The main reason why people gain weight in the fall we become less active in the fall and winter. Also, our kids back to school and we find that we are running around doing everything but active things for weeks at a time.
If you’re like me the year goes very fast. So while we are only at the beginning of the fall and school season, we also have Halloween and the holidays to worry about because they are practically around the corner.
Adding structure in our lives perhaps may involve getting back on track to good diet habits. If you are looking for tips on weight loss for the fall, here are three simple things you could incorporate into your efforts to lose weight without going nuts.
Eat a healthy breakfast
In our busy society breakfast is often missed because of the longer hours we put into the day. Or some people just start off with an unbalanced and un-healthy breakfast. A balanced breakfast will help you kick start your metabolism.
Not only should your breakfast be healthy, breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day. Your breakfast should include a carbohydrate source (such as oatmeal) and a good protein source (such as eggs and/or turkey sausage).
Stop and think about the fat content before every meal you eat

As mentioned above the autumn season brings back structure to our lives. With structure we comes responsibility for our families. Since we are so responsible for others, it’s an optimal time to be responsible for our eating habits. The best way to take responsibility for what you eat is review the fat and carbohydrate contents of your meal. This can make a big difference in losing weight.
You should spread out your fat intake during the day. For example, don’t save up fat calories for dinner. It’s best to eat balanced meals through out the day. Also, try to have carbohydrates early in the day and taper off the carbohydrates at night for your weight loss efforts.
Have a mid afternoon snack
Usually people go too long in between meals. This can some times slow down your metabolism. If you eat lunch at 12:00 pm and then eat dinner at 6:00 pm, you’re waiting too long. You should have a small snack around 3:00 pm.
An example of a good snack could be an apple and string cheese, or a chocolate protein shake with peanut butter, or a half a sandwich. Just make sure you keep to the basics and eat a small meal.
The above tips are very effective for loosing weight during the fall months. Not only that, but you can lose the weight fairly quickly and safely. You’ll start feeling better in a few days and you’ll won’t have to worry about gaining the fall and winter weight.
About the Author: For more free tips on weight loss, we have created a free report "5 Things You Can Do Right Away to Start Getting in Shape (Even if you are busy!)" Get The Report: http://addfitness.com/newsletter.asp
Source: http://www.isnare.com/
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=190399&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet
Are you worried about gaining weight during the fall and winter months? Well don’t worry, while it is challenging enough to maintain your weight, you can actually lose weight during the fall and winter months.

The main reason why people gain weight in the fall we become less active in the fall and winter. Also, our kids back to school and we find that we are running around doing everything but active things for weeks at a time.
If you’re like me the year goes very fast. So while we are only at the beginning of the fall and school season, we also have Halloween and the holidays to worry about because they are practically around the corner.
Adding structure in our lives perhaps may involve getting back on track to good diet habits. If you are looking for tips on weight loss for the fall, here are three simple things you could incorporate into your efforts to lose weight without going nuts.
Eat a healthy breakfast
In our busy society breakfast is often missed because of the longer hours we put into the day. Or some people just start off with an unbalanced and un-healthy breakfast. A balanced breakfast will help you kick start your metabolism.
Not only should your breakfast be healthy, breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day. Your breakfast should include a carbohydrate source (such as oatmeal) and a good protein source (such as eggs and/or turkey sausage).
Stop and think about the fat content before every meal you eat

As mentioned above the autumn season brings back structure to our lives. With structure we comes responsibility for our families. Since we are so responsible for others, it’s an optimal time to be responsible for our eating habits. The best way to take responsibility for what you eat is review the fat and carbohydrate contents of your meal. This can make a big difference in losing weight.
You should spread out your fat intake during the day. For example, don’t save up fat calories for dinner. It’s best to eat balanced meals through out the day. Also, try to have carbohydrates early in the day and taper off the carbohydrates at night for your weight loss efforts.
Have a mid afternoon snack
Usually people go too long in between meals. This can some times slow down your metabolism. If you eat lunch at 12:00 pm and then eat dinner at 6:00 pm, you’re waiting too long. You should have a small snack around 3:00 pm.
An example of a good snack could be an apple and string cheese, or a chocolate protein shake with peanut butter, or a half a sandwich. Just make sure you keep to the basics and eat a small meal.
The above tips are very effective for loosing weight during the fall months. Not only that, but you can lose the weight fairly quickly and safely. You’ll start feeling better in a few days and you’ll won’t have to worry about gaining the fall and winter weight.
About the Author: For more free tips on weight loss, we have created a free report "5 Things You Can Do Right Away to Start Getting in Shape (Even if you are busy!)" Get The Report: http://addfitness.com/newsletter.asp
Source: http://www.isnare.com/
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=190399&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Friday, October 19, 2007
Five Fantastic Facts That Can Help You To Have A Good Night's Sleep
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By Suzanne Holman
Have you ever been lying in bed, unable to sleep as you anticipate the followingday?
September brings memories back to me of experiences throughout many years ofschool.
Were you at all like me, lying awake the night before the first day of
school,wondering who would be in my class, who would be my teacher,

What issues keep you awake at night now? Do you have problems that you findyourself trying to solve during the night? Many people struggle with sleep mostof all on Sunday nights as they think about starting the new week. If you havethings on your mind at bedtime, take a little time to write down your thoughtsbefore sleeping. Even keep a notepad near your bed so that you can write a fewnotes if something occurs to you while lying in bed. Moving your thoughts fromyour brain to paper can help to put your mind at ease.
If you are having problems having peaceful sleep for any reason, it can havenegative effects on many parts of your life and your physical and mental health.
Taking some precautions can make all the difference.
Keep Bedroom Only For S & SYes, S & S.
That stands for sleep and sex. Experts tell us that when we doanything else in the bedroom, it can lead to sleep problems. Forget aboutworking in the bedroom. Use your computer and watch TV in other parts of thehouse.
Having a consistent sleeping and waking schedule can help your body

Daylight Bright Light
Our sleep patterns of feeling sleepy at night and awake during the day areregulated by light and darkness. Strong light, like bright outdoor light is themost powerful regulator of our biological clock. Even on a cloudy day, outsidelight is brighter than indoor light.

This sunlight helps our internal biological clock to reset each day. Sleepexperts for anyone having problems falling asleep recommend an hour of morningsunlight.
Room Temperature
Sleep researchers disagree on what the optimal temperatures are for best sleep.What is most important is that the temperature is comfortable for you.Generally, a slightly cool room is best. This mimics what happens inside thebody as our internal temperature drops during the night to its lowest level.This is usually about four hours after sleep begins. A hot sleeping environmentcan lead to more wake time and lighter sleep.
Exercising 20 to 30 minutes a day often can help people sleep better. Workingout too close to bedtime may interfere with sleep. Try to get your exerciseabout 5 to 6 hours before going to bed.
These are all pretty simple actions to take to insure a good night's sleep. Ifyou are still having problems sleeping, you may need to consult a sleep expertto see if you have a sleep disorder that may be keeping you awake.
If there are concerns on your mind that are hindering your productivity, it mayhelp to get some support. Suzanne Holman is your productivity coach, located at http://www.exuberantproductivity.com./ Visit the site for free resourcesincluding a strategy session to get you started!
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Thursday, October 04, 2007
The Hair Care Revolution And Bangs

With new products focusing on the health of your hair you have more control and can now work with many different hair styles. The new formulas are created to meet the needs of a fast paced society. These new products feature ingredients that restore moisture and nutrients that tend to make hair stronger and thicker in appearance. With time being a factor for many women, the need for these products continues to grow.
Consumers are opting for soft, touchable hairstyles that appear natural. Salon patrons are demanding a hair style that is easy to manage. The common tread in choosing a new hair style is the ease in caring for it. Cutting edge salons are creating styles by precise haircuts that are light, healthy, and flexible. With daily challenges to the hair from the elements, the emphasis is on innovative easy to care for styled hair.
To protect your hair from heat and chemicals including chlorine, one of the essentials is to opt for one of the new styles that are easy to keep up. Deep conditioning and frequent trims go a long way in protecting your crowning glory.
Hairstylists are finding that the look of natural hair is fashion friendly. Style and shape are the key elements in today’s hairstyles. The introduction of most of these easy hairstyles came from the celebrities sporting the cuts. In high humidity you have to have styles that rebound well. The resurgence of bangs is the outgrowths of a new line up of different types of wash and wear hairstyles. There are dynamic ways that bangs change the impact of your hairstyle.
They offer versatility in a way that can not be matched. They increase the ways you can capture a new look in a matter of minutes. The different types of bangs vary depending on the texture of the hair. Going natural means hair that appears to be healthy and not sprayed into place. Manageability is a key focus and choppy bangs, short bangs, wispy bangs, and side bangs are a perfect example of simple easy to keep styling.
Haircuts with bangs are a big Hollywood trend. With the rise of hairstyles with bangs it means that finally everybody will find a different cut that

Think of celebrities such as Cameron Diaz, Meg Ryan, and Paris Hilton and you can see the different looks that are attainable from a good haircut. For an exciting new style bangs can make the difference from ordinary to extraordinary. With the new choppy and asymmetrical styles you need to find a great hair stylist in one of the new upscale salons that now can be found in many locations.
Think Alyssa Milano and take a big step by changing your look with the help of a skilled stylist. There are many different techniques that can mold your hair into a trendy style.
The way to become aware of all the ways you can change your look is to locate a professional hair styles that is experienced in creating new looks with great skill.
About the Author: Hair Replacement or when in Clermont Florida Hair Replacement in Clermont Florida
Source: http://www.isnare.com/
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Sunday, September 23, 2007
17 Reasons Why Men Should Keep Low Body Fat
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Men around the world are just as self conscious about their body image as women. However, keeping low body fat is not just for looks, it is also important for health. Here are the 17 reasons why men need to keep low body fat:
1) As you age your metabolism slows down drastically. This ultimately causes your body to burn less fat.
2) Without exercising regularly, the average person will lose about a pound of muscle each year.
3) After the age of 30, the average person in America gains about one pound per year without exercise.
4) Two out of five people do not exercise at all.
5) Most people begin a weight loss program in order to look more appealing.
6) Other motivational factors are the many health benefits of proper nutrition and regular exercise.
7) Less excess body fat will help you reduce our risk of developing a disease such as diabetes.
8) Excess body fat is connected to heart disease and cancer.
9) Extra blood sugar stored in your liver and other vital organs, is turned into body fat after a long period of being unused.
10) Extra body fat is proven to cause erectile dysfunction.
11) Your heart has to work about 10 times harder to pump blood through the excess fat.
12) Your blood vessels will become very narrow and pump less blood.
13) Losing excess body fat as early as possible plays a vital role in maintaining good health.
14) The older you get, the harder it is for you to lose the excess weight.
15) 80% of all deaths caused by obesity are due to the individual’s lifestyle.
16) If you are highly overweight, your pancreas will produce unnecessary insulin.

17) An active lifestyle and well balanced diet is proven to fully stop diseases.
While you are busy keeping the body fat levels down, do not forget to eat the proper foods and keep important supplements in your body. Here are the 4 main supplements needed for full body health:
1) Creatine
One particular study from the University of Wisconsin, has shown that men who take creatine are able to do heavier exercises. A few of these included squats, bench presses, dumbbell lifts, and even pull ups with weights. Studies in Australia have shown that creatine usage in men has been linked to better memory and higher intelligence scores. In order to get the maximum results, it is recommended to mix 5 milligrams of creatine with whey protein daily.
2) Boron
A high level of this mineral has been proven to help reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer by up to 50%. Men in the United States by far have some of the lowest boron levels in comparison to other countries. Just 3 milligrams daily of Boron will help fight cancer and improve concentration.
3) Calcium
Today many men are not getting their daily allowance of 1,000 milligrams. A cup of regular milk has only about 300 milligrams of calcium. One study has found that men with high calcium levels weigh less than men with low levels of calcium. It is recommended you take 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day. Also stay far away from coral calcium. It has been shown to have many impurities which can adversely affect your health.
4) Chromium
Chromium is mainly used to assist in muscle building. Today’s research has shown that chromium
can help overweight people control their insulin levels. This makes it better to keep your levels of blood sugar in check. Overall, chromium can decrease your risk of developing diabetes when used properly.
Copyright 2007 Donald Mckenzie Jr
About the Author: Donald Mckenzie Jr has over 5 years experience as a health instructor. For access to more of his important health articles and e-books, visit his website. http://updated-health-news.blogspot.com/
Source: http://www.isnare.com/
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Check out our Diet Reviews
Men around the world are just as self conscious about their body image as women. However, keeping low body fat is not just for looks, it is also important for health. Here are the 17 reasons why men need to keep low body fat:
1) As you age your metabolism slows down drastically. This ultimately causes your body to burn less fat.
2) Without exercising regularly, the average person will lose about a pound of muscle each year.

3) After the age of 30, the average person in America gains about one pound per year without exercise.
4) Two out of five people do not exercise at all.
5) Most people begin a weight loss program in order to look more appealing.
6) Other motivational factors are the many health benefits of proper nutrition and regular exercise.
7) Less excess body fat will help you reduce our risk of developing a disease such as diabetes.
8) Excess body fat is connected to heart disease and cancer.
9) Extra blood sugar stored in your liver and other vital organs, is turned into body fat after a long period of being unused.
10) Extra body fat is proven to cause erectile dysfunction.
11) Your heart has to work about 10 times harder to pump blood through the excess fat.
12) Your blood vessels will become very narrow and pump less blood.
13) Losing excess body fat as early as possible plays a vital role in maintaining good health.
14) The older you get, the harder it is for you to lose the excess weight.
15) 80% of all deaths caused by obesity are due to the individual’s lifestyle.
16) If you are highly overweight, your pancreas will produce unnecessary insulin.

17) An active lifestyle and well balanced diet is proven to fully stop diseases.
While you are busy keeping the body fat levels down, do not forget to eat the proper foods and keep important supplements in your body. Here are the 4 main supplements needed for full body health:
1) Creatine
One particular study from the University of Wisconsin, has shown that men who take creatine are able to do heavier exercises. A few of these included squats, bench presses, dumbbell lifts, and even pull ups with weights. Studies in Australia have shown that creatine usage in men has been linked to better memory and higher intelligence scores. In order to get the maximum results, it is recommended to mix 5 milligrams of creatine with whey protein daily.
2) Boron
A high level of this mineral has been proven to help reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer by up to 50%. Men in the United States by far have some of the lowest boron levels in comparison to other countries. Just 3 milligrams daily of Boron will help fight cancer and improve concentration.
3) Calcium
Today many men are not getting their daily allowance of 1,000 milligrams. A cup of regular milk has only about 300 milligrams of calcium. One study has found that men with high calcium levels weigh less than men with low levels of calcium. It is recommended you take 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day. Also stay far away from coral calcium. It has been shown to have many impurities which can adversely affect your health.
4) Chromium
Chromium is mainly used to assist in muscle building. Today’s research has shown that chromium
can help overweight people control their insulin levels. This makes it better to keep your levels of blood sugar in check. Overall, chromium can decrease your risk of developing diabetes when used properly.
Copyright 2007 Donald Mckenzie Jr
About the Author: Donald Mckenzie Jr has over 5 years experience as a health instructor. For access to more of his important health articles and e-books, visit his website. http://updated-health-news.blogspot.com/
Source: http://www.isnare.com/
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Friday, August 03, 2007
Obesity – Is It Contagious? – Study Says Yes
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As you probably know, Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the Western world, particularly in North America. Statistics show that two thirds of Americans are now overweight or obese. Obesity is now America’s 2nd leading cause of preventable death, next to cigarette smoking and is closing in on becoming the leader. Obesity is responsible for 300,000 deaths every year.
Could you conquer obesity? The answer is yes. I don’t want to sound

And I’m not just blowing out hot air. There are quite a few people on Myspace, for example, who have conquered obesity, and some have lost well over 200 lbs in the process. Although I’m not saying it’s an easy thing to accomplish. It takes motivation, dedication and hard work.
Those that have obesity not related to medical conditions have become obese by basically consuming more calories than they expend over long time periods. In addition, one thing most of these people have in common is slow metabolic rate. The second thing they share is they live sedentary lives. And what is the single most important factor responsible for speeding up the metabolism? Answer: Physical activity. But that’s another topic.
Can obesity be contagious?
A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that people have a higher chance of becoming obese by having obese friends, even if they live far away, than they do by having obese relatives.
According to the research, if your buddy is obese your chances of becoming overweight will increase by 57%, 40% if one of your siblings puts on extra pounds and 37% if your spouse or life partner does.
The study basically found that obesity has a higher risk of being developed from social relationships that from genetic ones. Furthermore, a person does not become obese just by having obese neighbors but by having obese friends.
The alarming thing is, since more and more people in society are becoming obese, others may think that it’s okay to be overweight. This is human nature. And if you hang around a barber shop, like the saying goes, you’re going to get a haircut. That’s not to say, however, that a person should end friendships with people who are obese or overweight.
It might help, however to expand relationships to include people who have healthier lifestyles and/or who have successful plans for weight loss maintenance. And as a result, they can promote improvement of lifestyle with the rest of their friends.
There really is no easy way or short cut in overcoming obesity. Diet pills and weight loss supplements don’t work, although some may work in the short run. Many diet drugs, however, have very harmful side effects. Fad diets also produce temporary results. And many of you, who have tried some variations of these, know what I mean.
One big factor associated with obesity is the super sizing blitz (from the food industry) that has been sweeping North America over the past few years. And that’s not only coming from the fast food industry either. This has also spilled over to the processed food sector that includes a lot of ready prepared food products available in the supermarkets.
First of all let’s establish that the reason people become obese is by consuming more calories than they expend. Obesity is a product of a standard principle of input exceeding output. And as the body gets bigger it needs more calories to support that weight.
Many overweight people, however, will argue that they’re not really overeating. This is because we usually aren’t conscious of and don’t keep track of everything we put in our mouths during the course of an entire day. The only way to get a clear picture is to record all our meals and snacks over a period of a day and add up the total calories. You may be surprised to find out the amount of food you are actually eating on a given day. Only when you become aware of the amount of food you are consuming, you can begin to reduce your calorie intake accordingly.
Besides the quantity of food we eat quality is just as important. What foods does you diet consist of? Do you eat a lot of foods that are nutritiously empty but are loaded with bad fats, bad carbs and salt (unfortunately many these of these foods taste good)? These are definitely factors that we have to consider – factors that contribute to obesity.
What’s a good way to reduce your daily consumption? One way is to use substitution. Choose low fat instead of high fat proteins, and use high fiber carbohydrates in place of refined carbohydrates that have been stripped of their fiber content. Replace sodas with water. You will automatically reduce your total daily caloric intake significantly by following the above 3 steps. Here are some other ideas you could implement into your plan:
Replace potatoes with yams, white rice with brown or wild rice, use whole grain pastas and whole grain bread. Do not take two different carbs in the same meal. In other words if you have bread you shouldn’t include rice, pasta, potatoes, etc.
One efficient yet simple guideline I like to follow for calorie control during my meals is I put all the food I’m going to eat in one regular size plate. And I won’t eat anything more than that. By doing this, you will never leave a meal feeling over stuffed yet you’ll feel satisfied.
This method also eliminates picking at foods randomly from other dishes, similar to a buffet, which leads to over consumption. These are some ideas that may help to improve the food component of your weight loss plan. The other component, physical activity, we will talk about next time.
World Science, “Obesity Found to Spread Socially”, http://www.world-science.net/othernews/070725_obesity.htm
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Monday, July 23, 2007
Turn Your Fat Burning Mechanism into High Gear with Interval Training
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I’ve recently experimented with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and have received amazing results. HIIT is, undisputedly, the single most effective factor involved in breaking weight loss plateaus and burning fat. HIIT consists of short bursts of exercise at high intensity levels – near or around your maximum heart rate. This is also referred to as anaerobic exercise and includes exercises such as sprinting. Aerobic training, on the other hand, consists of endurance type exercises at lower intensity levels like jogging, power walking etc.
For the last couple of decades and longer, it was believed that fat burning was best achieved by endurance training - exercise at longer durations (cardio training). The argument was that (according to research) the body begins to burn fat beyond the 20 minute mark of continuous aerobic exercise. Although this still holds true, many recent studies have shown that training at very high intensities burns higher amounts of calories and fat.
HIIT may be responsible for burning up to 50% more body fat than lower intensity exercise. It has been documented that exercising at 65% of maximum heart rate (cardio-endurance) burns more calories from fat

When exercising at lower intensities for longer periods (duration), your body goes into a “steady state”. In this state, the body has adjusted to the speed and intensity and attempts to conserve energy (calories). This is one factor that may be responsible for reaching weight loss plateaus when performing cardio exercise. This could be avoided if you added HIIT to your workouts.
While doing steady – rate cardio for longer periods the body burns fat for fuel but also goes into a catabolic state. This means that the body begins to break down muscle to use as fuel. So, as it burns fat it also uses up muscle. And as we know, muscle increases the metabolic rate – and as muscle mass decreases so does the metabolism. Short bouts of training associated with interval training, however, have been shown to prevent the body from entering the catabolic phase.
In fact, interval training increases the body’s resting metabolic rate causing the body to burn more calories well after the exercise session – up to 48 hours after training.
Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training:
- Increases metabolism
- Increases calorie and fat burning capacity
- Helps to overcome weight loss plateaus
- Improves aerobic capacity – increasing the ability to train longer with higher intensity
- Keeps you from getting bored with exercise – By mixing in exercise at higher intensity for shorter durations you’re adding more variety to your workout.
- Special equipment is not required – all you need to do is modify your current training method.
- Improves your body composition.
- Improves eating and sleeping habits as the body adjusts to meet the new demands of exercise.
- The short power bursts of HIIT may often boost your energy level causing you to feel more upbeat and energetic.
- Increases athletic performance for athletes.
- Improves excess post - exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) – oxygen intake is increased for a certain period, following high intensity exercise, which has shown to increase fat burning by up to 9 times during periods of rest.
Are there any risks involved with HIIT?
HIIT is not for everyone. If you have a chronic health condition or not accustomed to regular exercise, you should consult your doctor before trying any type of high intensity exercise.
The other thing is you should start slow. Don’t rush into high intensity training before your body is ready. You may run the risk of hurting yourself, which may include bone, tendon-ligament and muscle damage.
Keep in mind that HIIT workouts need more recovery time than aerobic workouts. They should be performed no more than 3 times a week and should be on non weight-training days.
Here is an HIIT program for beginners:
Total Workout: 12 Minutes in Duration
Warm – Up -First 4 Minutes:
Jog at around 50% effort
1st Interval -5th Minute:
Sprint at maximum effort for 30 seconds – follow with jogging/walking for 30 seconds
2nd Interval – 6th Minute:
Sprint at maximum effort for 30 seconds – follow with jogging/walking for 30 seconds
3rd Interval - 7th Minute:
Sprint at maximum effort for 30 seconds – follow with jogging/walking for 30 seconds
4th Interval - 8th Minute:
Sprint at maximum effort for 30 seconds – follow with jogging/walking for 30 seconds
Cool Down – Minutes 9-12:
Jog at 50% effort
You can gradually increase the number of intervals in the workout as your body adapts to high intensity and frequency. A good pace would be to add an interval after every 2-3 workouts, until you reach 10 intervals per workout session.
HIIT workouts can also be performed on machines such as steppers, elliptical trainers and stationary cycles. Research suggests, however, that the closer one gets to their maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) during training, the more efficiently they burn fat. And sprinting is the most efficient form of exercise for optimizing VO2 max.
I hope not too many of you, who are trying to lose weight (and not very excited about the exercise part), hate me too much for this article.
1. http://www.uoguelph.ca/mediarel/2007/06/post_56.html - University of Guelph, “Interval Training Burns More Fat, Increases Fitness, Study Finds”
2. Tremblay, A., Simoneau, J-A., Bouchard, C., “Impact of Exercise Intensity on Body Fatness and Skeletal Muscle Metabolism, Vol. 43 #7 (July), 1994: pp 814-818.
3. http://www.musclemedia.com/training/hiit.asp
4. http://www.exrx.net/FatLoss/HIITvsET.html
5. http://www.askmen.com/sports/bodybuilding_100/
6. http://www.cs.unm.edu/~wneumann/files/guerilla_cardio.pdf
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Weight Loss Motivation
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Weight Loss Motivation
Losing weight is not that difficult. I’m sure everyone at some point in there life has lost weight whether it was intentional or not. The problem, however, is keeping it off permanently or at least for a long period of time. One major reason for this is that people choose the wrong weight loss methods (fad dieting, diet pills, weight loss products, etc). Another reason is people lose the motivation required to maintain weight loss.
First of all, you have to want to lose weight badly enough. Secondly, you must participate in a good weight loss program that includes a well balanced diet and adequate physical activity. And finally, you need to have the right motivation that is required to take you to your goal. The other thing is you must want to lose weight for yourself - not for anyone else - in order to be more successful.
Most people that have trouble with motivation often forget why they are trying to lose weight in the first place. It may be a good idea to make a list of various personal benefits associated with weight loss, which will help you stay motivated and focused.
Here are some examples of weight loss benefits that may appeal to you:
- Look better in tight jeans
- Breath easier – instead of getting out of breath quickly
- Accomplish physical chores/activities with ease
- Feel more confident
- Enjoy shopping for clothes
- Look forward to holidays
- Have no fear of wearing a bathing suit in public
- Feel sexier and more attractive
- Feel better about yourself
Weight Loss Support
Getting involved with a good support network will help you stay motivated. You can do that within the Myspace community for example. In Myspace, you can search for like-minded individuals who want to lose weight and ask them to be your friends. You can get to know them better and share your needs, goals, difficulties and frustrations. The advantage here is that you’ll have no trouble finding someone who’s had difficult times with weight loss, has overcome the obstacles and found success. This factor alone may be all you need to help you stay motivated and remain focused on your own weight loss plan.
At the same time you can also request support from family and friends. You could encourage them to join you in choosing healthier foods. Finding a friend that you can exercise with would be very helpful as well. As exercise partners, you can feed of each other – help maintain inspiration and motivation, while improving your physical condition.
Once the extra pounds start coming off, you’ll start to get noticed and people will begin complimenting you on your new and improved
appearance. This will also help keep you motivated to stay on track and to maintain weight loss.
So as long as you have a burning desire to lose weight and you surround yourself with a good support system to help you stay motivated through trying times, you will have an excellent chance to achieve weight loss maintenance.
Scientific Research on Weight Loss Motivation
A recent study I found interesting suggested women with diabetes may lose more weight not only by diet and exercise but by discussing why they need to make changes.
The study published in Diabetes Care (journal) reviewed the effects of a technique called “motivational interviewing”. This involves a series of questions put forth by councilors intended to help subjects overcome obstacles that arise when making changes. In this case, the changes involved diet and exercise improvements.
There were 217 women in the study who also had type-2 diabetes. They were split in to 2 groups. After an 18 month period, the women who met with a councilor for motivation interviews lost twice as much weight as those who did not.
The researchers said that motivational interviewing encouraged subjects to come up with their own arguments and reasons for making changes. Councilors also helped clients identify the obstacles that were responsible for their inability to change. They did this by posing open-ended questions and by providing answers without being judgmental.
The findings of this study may also hold true for non diabetics as well. Researchers are planning to hold similar experiments in this area in the near future.
Diabetes Care. 2007;30:1081-1087.
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Check out our Diet Reviews
Weight Loss Motivation
Losing weight is not that difficult. I’m sure everyone at some point in there life has lost weight whether it was intentional or not. The problem, however, is keeping it off permanently or at least for a long period of time. One major reason for this is that people choose the wrong weight loss methods (fad dieting, diet pills, weight loss products, etc). Another reason is people lose the motivation required to maintain weight loss.
First of all, you have to want to lose weight badly enough. Secondly, you must participate in a good weight loss program that includes a well balanced diet and adequate physical activity. And finally, you need to have the right motivation that is required to take you to your goal. The other thing is you must want to lose weight for yourself - not for anyone else - in order to be more successful.
Most people that have trouble with motivation often forget why they are trying to lose weight in the first place. It may be a good idea to make a list of various personal benefits associated with weight loss, which will help you stay motivated and focused.
Here are some examples of weight loss benefits that may appeal to you:
- Look better in tight jeans
- Breath easier – instead of getting out of breath quickly
- Accomplish physical chores/activities with ease
- Feel more confident
- Enjoy shopping for clothes
- Look forward to holidays
- Have no fear of wearing a bathing suit in public
- Feel sexier and more attractive
- Feel better about yourself
Weight Loss Support
Getting involved with a good support network will help you stay motivated. You can do that within the Myspace community for example. In Myspace, you can search for like-minded individuals who want to lose weight and ask them to be your friends. You can get to know them better and share your needs, goals, difficulties and frustrations. The advantage here is that you’ll have no trouble finding someone who’s had difficult times with weight loss, has overcome the obstacles and found success. This factor alone may be all you need to help you stay motivated and remain focused on your own weight loss plan.
At the same time you can also request support from family and friends. You could encourage them to join you in choosing healthier foods. Finding a friend that you can exercise with would be very helpful as well. As exercise partners, you can feed of each other – help maintain inspiration and motivation, while improving your physical condition.
Once the extra pounds start coming off, you’ll start to get noticed and people will begin complimenting you on your new and improved

So as long as you have a burning desire to lose weight and you surround yourself with a good support system to help you stay motivated through trying times, you will have an excellent chance to achieve weight loss maintenance.
Scientific Research on Weight Loss Motivation
A recent study I found interesting suggested women with diabetes may lose more weight not only by diet and exercise but by discussing why they need to make changes.
The study published in Diabetes Care (journal) reviewed the effects of a technique called “motivational interviewing”. This involves a series of questions put forth by councilors intended to help subjects overcome obstacles that arise when making changes. In this case, the changes involved diet and exercise improvements.
There were 217 women in the study who also had type-2 diabetes. They were split in to 2 groups. After an 18 month period, the women who met with a councilor for motivation interviews lost twice as much weight as those who did not.
The researchers said that motivational interviewing encouraged subjects to come up with their own arguments and reasons for making changes. Councilors also helped clients identify the obstacles that were responsible for their inability to change. They did this by posing open-ended questions and by providing answers without being judgmental.
The findings of this study may also hold true for non diabetics as well. Researchers are planning to hold similar experiments in this area in the near future.
Diabetes Care. 2007;30:1081-1087.
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Low Carb or Slow Carb?
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First I’d like to thank all of you that have participated with your wonderful and insightful blog comments. I would like to invite others who read this blog to participate as well. I’d love to know your thoughts and opinions – and many others would as well. So by all means let us know – Don’t be shy – spill your beans. Oh, by the way, I’d like to encourage those to subscribe to my blog – who haven’t yet. Thanks.
Okay, today I’d like to talk about foods that are nutritious and beneficial to health and weight loss - and foods that are not very good choices at all. In this post I’ll be focusing on carbohydrates. Let me just add that real, natural foods are much more nutritious than processed or prepared food products. I’m sure most of us agree with that.
Before I go any further I would just like to point out a couple of important principles with respect to diet: Variety and Moderation. Too much of any food is not very wise. Similarly, eating the same things day in and day out may exclude many essential nutrients the body needs.
A study at the University of Michigan compared the eating habits of American and French subjects (8,213 people in total). They studied their overall diets based on diversity (foods from 5 major food groups), variety (total number of foods consumed daily) and moderation (according to USDA dietary guidelines).
They found that the French ate more foods that were higher in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol than their American counterparts. The study also showed that the French diet complied with very few of the USDA dietary recommendations for eating healthy. In addition, the findings showed that 99% of French women’s diets had saturated fat contents in excess of 10% of total daily calories. What’s shocking is that, on average, the French are thinner and have fewer occurrences of heart disease than Americans.
Research suggested that the possible harmful effects of the high fat content in the French diet were offset by diet diversity and variety. The scientist in charge of the study added, “The low fat approach is very good but not if it comes at the expense of dietary variety.”
In addition, the above study suggested that food diversity and variety may even outweigh the benefits of the moderation principle. Food diversity must consist of healthy carbohydrates as well as lean protein and healthy fat from unsaturated oils.
Let’s look at carbohydrates for now.
Carbohydrates have gotten a bad wrap over the years. But what many don’t realize is that only certain carbohydrates are bad – NOT all carbohydrates.
Good carbs are those that contain fiber like fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Bad carbs are those that have very little or no fiber.
Many health organizations recommend from 2-3 and up to 4-6 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
Simple Carbohydrates - Sugars
There are 2 different types of sugars. There are natural occurring sugars such as those in fruit (fructose) and milk (lactose). And then there are refined sugars also known as simple carbohydrates such as white granular sugar.
Sugar hides under many different names: table sugar, brown sugar, molasses, beet sugar, cane sugar, powdered sugar, raw sugar, maple syrup, corn syrup, sugar cane syrup and table sugar’s chemical name – sucrose. There are also many products on the market sweetened with these sugars.
Sugars are “fast” carbs - when consumed, they are absorbed very quickly by the body. As a result they cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels – a process, which may trigger feelings of hunger. They also have very low nutritional value and are stored as fat, in the body, very efficiently. These should be avoided or reduced.
Starchy Carbohydrates
Other carbohydrates that are also not as high on the nutrition scale are those with high starch contents (potatoes, other refined carbohydrates like white bread, white rice, white pasta, etc). Although these are digested a little slower than simple carbs they are still absorbed by the body fairly quickly. For similar reasons, these should also be avoided or reduced and should be substituted with whole grain equivalents.
High-Fiber Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates high in fiber are “slow” carbs. Their digestive process is longer than the above carbohydrates and they actually stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing hunger pangs. Choosing high-fiber carbs in place of simple or starchy carbs will:
- Stabilize your blood glucose (sugar) levels helping to reduce periods of hunger – and favorably improve insulin resistance
- Increase the nutritional value of your diet
- Strengthen your immune system to fight against chronic diseases (see below)
Research with diabetics has shown that the fiber contained in certain carbohydrates was responsible for decreasing symptoms of diabetes such as insulin resistance.
In other studies fiber has been shown to:
- Relieve constipation and hemorrhoids
- Prevent certain chronic diseases such as certain cancers and cardiovascular disease
- Keep weight under control
Carbohydrates high in fiber are bulkier, more filling than low-fiber carbs and contain almost no calories. As a result, fiber may be a useful aid in reducing calorie consumption. Keep in mind that fiber alone is not the answer to weight loss. The only effective and safe way to lose weight is with:
- A well rounded diet that includes proper caloric intake from all food groups.
- Participation in regular physical activity.
There really is no shortcut or magic bullet for weight loss yet.
Fiber can be categorized as soluble or insoluble. Soluble fiber partially dissolves in water where insoluble does not. They are both, however equally important to health.
Sources of Fiber:
Soluble Fiber:
Oatmeal, oat bran, nuts and seeds, legumes, apples, pears, strawberries and blueberries.
Insoluble Fiber:
Whole grains, whole wheat breads, barley, brown rice, bulgur, whole – grain breakfast cereals, wheat bran, seeds, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, celery and tomatoes.
1. http://www.sciencedaily.com, “Healthy diets need fat, according to new study”, retrieved 22 June 2005 from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1998/04/980424031929.htm
2. Canadian Diabetes Association, “The Benefits of eating Fiber”, retrieved 4 July 2007 from http://www.diabetes.ca/section_about/fibre.asp
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Check out our Diet Reviews
First I’d like to thank all of you that have participated with your wonderful and insightful blog comments. I would like to invite others who read this blog to participate as well. I’d love to know your thoughts and opinions – and many others would as well. So by all means let us know – Don’t be shy – spill your beans. Oh, by the way, I’d like to encourage those to subscribe to my blog – who haven’t yet. Thanks.
Okay, today I’d like to talk about foods that are nutritious and beneficial to health and weight loss - and foods that are not very good choices at all. In this post I’ll be focusing on carbohydrates. Let me just add that real, natural foods are much more nutritious than processed or prepared food products. I’m sure most of us agree with that.
Before I go any further I would just like to point out a couple of important principles with respect to diet: Variety and Moderation. Too much of any food is not very wise. Similarly, eating the same things day in and day out may exclude many essential nutrients the body needs.
A study at the University of Michigan compared the eating habits of American and French subjects (8,213 people in total). They studied their overall diets based on diversity (foods from 5 major food groups), variety (total number of foods consumed daily) and moderation (according to USDA dietary guidelines).
They found that the French ate more foods that were higher in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol than their American counterparts. The study also showed that the French diet complied with very few of the USDA dietary recommendations for eating healthy. In addition, the findings showed that 99% of French women’s diets had saturated fat contents in excess of 10% of total daily calories. What’s shocking is that, on average, the French are thinner and have fewer occurrences of heart disease than Americans.
Research suggested that the possible harmful effects of the high fat content in the French diet were offset by diet diversity and variety. The scientist in charge of the study added, “The low fat approach is very good but not if it comes at the expense of dietary variety.”
In addition, the above study suggested that food diversity and variety may even outweigh the benefits of the moderation principle. Food diversity must consist of healthy carbohydrates as well as lean protein and healthy fat from unsaturated oils.
Let’s look at carbohydrates for now.
Carbohydrates have gotten a bad wrap over the years. But what many don’t realize is that only certain carbohydrates are bad – NOT all carbohydrates.
Good carbs are those that contain fiber like fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Bad carbs are those that have very little or no fiber.
Many health organizations recommend from 2-3 and up to 4-6 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

Simple Carbohydrates - Sugars
There are 2 different types of sugars. There are natural occurring sugars such as those in fruit (fructose) and milk (lactose). And then there are refined sugars also known as simple carbohydrates such as white granular sugar.
Sugar hides under many different names: table sugar, brown sugar, molasses, beet sugar, cane sugar, powdered sugar, raw sugar, maple syrup, corn syrup, sugar cane syrup and table sugar’s chemical name – sucrose. There are also many products on the market sweetened with these sugars.
Sugars are “fast” carbs - when consumed, they are absorbed very quickly by the body. As a result they cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels – a process, which may trigger feelings of hunger. They also have very low nutritional value and are stored as fat, in the body, very efficiently. These should be avoided or reduced.
Starchy Carbohydrates
Other carbohydrates that are also not as high on the nutrition scale are those with high starch contents (potatoes, other refined carbohydrates like white bread, white rice, white pasta, etc). Although these are digested a little slower than simple carbs they are still absorbed by the body fairly quickly. For similar reasons, these should also be avoided or reduced and should be substituted with whole grain equivalents.
High-Fiber Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates high in fiber are “slow” carbs. Their digestive process is longer than the above carbohydrates and they actually stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing hunger pangs. Choosing high-fiber carbs in place of simple or starchy carbs will:
- Stabilize your blood glucose (sugar) levels helping to reduce periods of hunger – and favorably improve insulin resistance
- Increase the nutritional value of your diet
- Strengthen your immune system to fight against chronic diseases (see below)
Research with diabetics has shown that the fiber contained in certain carbohydrates was responsible for decreasing symptoms of diabetes such as insulin resistance.
In other studies fiber has been shown to:
- Relieve constipation and hemorrhoids
- Prevent certain chronic diseases such as certain cancers and cardiovascular disease
- Keep weight under control
Carbohydrates high in fiber are bulkier, more filling than low-fiber carbs and contain almost no calories. As a result, fiber may be a useful aid in reducing calorie consumption. Keep in mind that fiber alone is not the answer to weight loss. The only effective and safe way to lose weight is with:
- A well rounded diet that includes proper caloric intake from all food groups.
- Participation in regular physical activity.
There really is no shortcut or magic bullet for weight loss yet.
Fiber can be categorized as soluble or insoluble. Soluble fiber partially dissolves in water where insoluble does not. They are both, however equally important to health.
Sources of Fiber:
Soluble Fiber:
Oatmeal, oat bran, nuts and seeds, legumes, apples, pears, strawberries and blueberries.
Insoluble Fiber:
Whole grains, whole wheat breads, barley, brown rice, bulgur, whole – grain breakfast cereals, wheat bran, seeds, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, celery and tomatoes.
1. http://www.sciencedaily.com, “Healthy diets need fat, according to new study”, retrieved 22 June 2005 from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1998/04/980424031929.htm
2. Canadian Diabetes Association, “The Benefits of eating Fiber”, retrieved 4 July 2007 from http://www.diabetes.ca/section_about/fibre.asp
Monday, July 02, 2007
Does Losing Weight Have To Be So Difficult?
Not Sure which diet is best for you?
Check out our Diet Reviews
As I have often said in the past, weight loss and weight gain are directly affected by Input and Output. Many people would like to think that weight reduction occurs with the use of sophisticated theories like thermogenesis (calories burned by digestion), wonder supplements like hoodia or the miraculous properties of certain herbal products such as Wu long tea.
The fact remains, however, there are only 2 ways the human body can reduce weight: By reducing food intake or by increasing energy expenditure (by exercise) – I am excluding other factors such as medical conditions, etc.
One common reason behind the inability to attain weight loss for long time periods is that people are trying to do too much at the same time. Working on one factor at a time, is the key to long - term weight reduction.
The quantity of food intake directly influences weight loss and weight gain. It’s not what you eat but how many calories you consume. In other words, if you are exceeding your daily food requirement by 500
calories per day - it doesn’t matter whether the 500 calories come from bacon or raw celery sticks - you will gain the exact same amount of weight. Your body doesn’t register what type of food you consume, it just registers calories – regardless of the type of diet you are participating in. Whether your diet is low in carbs, high in protein or is based on food combining or whatever - doesn’t make any difference. The bottom line is calorie intake is the only thing that counts.
There is no doubt, however, that certain foods are higher on the nutrient scale than others. The point I’m trying to make is that you should
concentrate on reducing your calorie consumption first and worry about food quality later. I’m not saying the latter is not important but should be tackled separately. Trying to do both at the same time is often too hard to handle, let alone worrying about increasing your level of exercise participation.
So, concentrate first on decreasing food quantity – the foods you are eating. Find out how many total daily calories you would be comfortable with and reduce to that level. It’s much easier (for long-term success) to set your target weight loss to 1-1.5 pound per week. One pound of fat roughly equals to 3500 calories. A reduction, therefore, of 500 calories a day equals 1 pound per week. That’s a good start.
Once you have adjusted your food intake, you can begin working on improving food quality in terms of nutrient value. After improving both factors, make an assessment and if you are not happy with your progress you can begin to work on energy expenditure (physical activity).
Taking it one step at a time, allows you to isolate each component with less stress, making it easier to succeed in the long run. Trying to adjust all components at the same time, however, is just too stressful and usually results in short term weight loss.
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Check out our Diet Reviews
As I have often said in the past, weight loss and weight gain are directly affected by Input and Output. Many people would like to think that weight reduction occurs with the use of sophisticated theories like thermogenesis (calories burned by digestion), wonder supplements like hoodia or the miraculous properties of certain herbal products such as Wu long tea.
The fact remains, however, there are only 2 ways the human body can reduce weight: By reducing food intake or by increasing energy expenditure (by exercise) – I am excluding other factors such as medical conditions, etc.
One common reason behind the inability to attain weight loss for long time periods is that people are trying to do too much at the same time. Working on one factor at a time, is the key to long - term weight reduction.
The quantity of food intake directly influences weight loss and weight gain. It’s not what you eat but how many calories you consume. In other words, if you are exceeding your daily food requirement by 500

There is no doubt, however, that certain foods are higher on the nutrient scale than others. The point I’m trying to make is that you should

So, concentrate first on decreasing food quantity – the foods you are eating. Find out how many total daily calories you would be comfortable with and reduce to that level. It’s much easier (for long-term success) to set your target weight loss to 1-1.5 pound per week. One pound of fat roughly equals to 3500 calories. A reduction, therefore, of 500 calories a day equals 1 pound per week. That’s a good start.
Once you have adjusted your food intake, you can begin working on improving food quality in terms of nutrient value. After improving both factors, make an assessment and if you are not happy with your progress you can begin to work on energy expenditure (physical activity).
Taking it one step at a time, allows you to isolate each component with less stress, making it easier to succeed in the long run. Trying to adjust all components at the same time, however, is just too stressful and usually results in short term weight loss.
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Monday, June 25, 2007
Weight Loss Journey – 45 Pounds in Less Than 2 Months?
Not Sure which diet is best for you?
Check out our Diet Reviews
I have a client (Jeff) who is 42 years old and feels he has a weight problem. When he first came to me he complained he had gained extra pounds and found it very difficult to return to his previous weight. First, we looked at his diet. Jeff was consuming about 2000-2300 calories per day. He weighed 220 pounds. His goal was to reach 175 pounds in 3 months – He wanted to lose 45 pounds so he could look good in a bathing suit. Jeff was planning a trip to the Greek Islands in 3 months time. His diet didn’t really look that bad except maybe for his choice in alcoholic beverages. He was drinking 2-3 light beers a day. I advised him to substitute them with 2-3 glasses of dry white or red wine.
Beer can be very fattening especially for people with slow metabolisms. The real problem, however, did not lie with the diet. It was the exercise component that needed work. He wasn’t getting enough physical activity. Jeff had a sedentary office job which confined him to his computer desk all day long. His workouts consisted of 45 minute brisk walks 3-4 times per week.

After talking to him I learned that Jeff was once a jogger but had given it up 5 years ago. I then designed a new exercise program with increases in intensity levels, frequency and duration. Following clearance from his doctor he started the training program. The target intensity level was to train at 75-80% of the maximum heart rate (MHR) – staring first at a lower intensity and gradually increasing it over time, until the target was reached.
I gave him a 5 day training program. Day 1, 3 and 5 involved 40 minutes of weight training immediately followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer (also with an intensity goal of 80% of MHR). Days 2 and 4 consisted of a walking and jogging combination. The goal here was eventually to advance to 30 minutes of continuous jogging.
Five weeks into the program, Jeff has lost 18 pounds and has not yet reached the goal of continuous jogging. Now, however, he can see the light at the end of the tunnel and is confident he will reach his target weight at the 2-month point. I’ll keep you posted on his progress.
By: John Tiniakos
Beer can be very fattening especially for people with slow metabolisms. The real problem, however, did not lie with the diet. It was the exercise component that needed work. He wasn’t getting enough physical activity. Jeff had a sedentary office job which confined him to his computer desk all day long. His workouts consisted of 45 minute brisk walks 3-4 times per week.

After talking to him I learned that Jeff was once a jogger but had given it up 5 years ago. I then designed a new exercise program with increases in intensity levels, frequency and duration. Following clearance from his doctor he started the training program. The target intensity level was to train at 75-80% of the maximum heart rate (MHR) – staring first at a lower intensity and gradually increasing it over time, until the target was reached.
I gave him a 5 day training program. Day 1, 3 and 5 involved 40 minutes of weight training immediately followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer (also with an intensity goal of 80% of MHR). Days 2 and 4 consisted of a walking and jogging combination. The goal here was eventually to advance to 30 minutes of continuous jogging.
Five weeks into the program, Jeff has lost 18 pounds and has not yet reached the goal of continuous jogging. Now, however, he can see the light at the end of the tunnel and is confident he will reach his target weight at the 2-month point. I’ll keep you posted on his progress.
By: John Tiniakos
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Monday, June 18, 2007
Quick Ways To Lose Weight | Tips To Help You Lose 50 Pounds Or More
Not Sure which diet is best for you?
Check out our Diet Reviews
Quick Ways To Lose Weight Tips To Help You Lose 50 Pounds Or More
By Susan Helton
Setting Goals When Dieting
As with most things in life, setting goals is very important when dieting. When you look at things truthfully and objectively you should notice that most of the things you've accomplished in life have been accomplished because you not only had a goal but also had a clearly planned and well thought out process for achieving that goal. That being said, why is goal setting so important when it comes to dieting?
First of all, it is difficult to achieve a goal if you do not have a clearly defined goal. There are times in life when it is almost impossible to tell whether you are succeeding or failing because you aren't certain exactly what the desired outcome should be. Identifying your dieting goals before you begin eliminates this particular possibility.
Second, having dieting goals gives you a measuring stick by which you can judge your process. This is important so that you know when your efforts are failing behind and when you're moving along schedule or ahead of schedule. In other words, you will know when to celebrate and when to give yourself a swift kick to the rear.
Now that we know why we set weight loss goals, let's discuss how we should go about setting those goals that are so important for dieting success. You want to set goals that are aggressive without being impossible to achieve. If you set goals that are beyond your reach you will find that frustration will be your dieting partner until you reach the point where you give up all together. In order to avoid this you should take great care to insure that your goals are possible for you to achieve.
When it comes to weight loss be specific when setting your goals. Rather than setting a total goal of 40 or 60 pounds start with a specific
goal such as 10 pounds in one month. Then you can extend the goal to the next month until you've reached the overall goal of 40 or 60 pounds. It is much easier to lose 10 pounds four times than it is to lose 40 pounds at once. It's a trick of the mind but it works. Ten pounds sounds simple and achievable. Forty pounds sounds like an insurmountable obstacle.
Another thing about goals is that you want to hold yourself accountable but you shouldn't call the whole thing off if you only lose 9 pounds instead of 10. Instead, find out where you dropped the ball for the final pound and set your 10-pound goal for the next month.
You should also take great care that you are working with your personal goals and not the goals that someone else is pushing on you. The truth is that if it's personal to you, it will be much more rewarding than if you are doing this for someone else. If your heart isn't in it, there are very few goals that are going to motivate you properly.
Finally, you should establish small (non-food) rewards for accomplishing your dieting goals. Perhaps your reward will be a new accessory for your new (or new old) wardrobe or a pedicure for your new look. Make your reward something fun and frivolous and teach yourself that accomplishing your goals can be accomplished by something other than food. This is a key to dieting successfully.
About the Author: http://www.quick-ways-to-lose-weight.com/
how to lose 50 pounds in 50 days
Source: http://www.isnare.com/
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Check out our Diet Reviews
Quick Ways To Lose Weight Tips To Help You Lose 50 Pounds Or More
By Susan Helton
Setting Goals When Dieting
As with most things in life, setting goals is very important when dieting. When you look at things truthfully and objectively you should notice that most of the things you've accomplished in life have been accomplished because you not only had a goal but also had a clearly planned and well thought out process for achieving that goal. That being said, why is goal setting so important when it comes to dieting?
First of all, it is difficult to achieve a goal if you do not have a clearly defined goal. There are times in life when it is almost impossible to tell whether you are succeeding or failing because you aren't certain exactly what the desired outcome should be. Identifying your dieting goals before you begin eliminates this particular possibility.
Second, having dieting goals gives you a measuring stick by which you can judge your process. This is important so that you know when your efforts are failing behind and when you're moving along schedule or ahead of schedule. In other words, you will know when to celebrate and when to give yourself a swift kick to the rear.
Now that we know why we set weight loss goals, let's discuss how we should go about setting those goals that are so important for dieting success. You want to set goals that are aggressive without being impossible to achieve. If you set goals that are beyond your reach you will find that frustration will be your dieting partner until you reach the point where you give up all together. In order to avoid this you should take great care to insure that your goals are possible for you to achieve.
When it comes to weight loss be specific when setting your goals. Rather than setting a total goal of 40 or 60 pounds start with a specific

Another thing about goals is that you want to hold yourself accountable but you shouldn't call the whole thing off if you only lose 9 pounds instead of 10. Instead, find out where you dropped the ball for the final pound and set your 10-pound goal for the next month.
You should also take great care that you are working with your personal goals and not the goals that someone else is pushing on you. The truth is that if it's personal to you, it will be much more rewarding than if you are doing this for someone else. If your heart isn't in it, there are very few goals that are going to motivate you properly.
Finally, you should establish small (non-food) rewards for accomplishing your dieting goals. Perhaps your reward will be a new accessory for your new (or new old) wardrobe or a pedicure for your new look. Make your reward something fun and frivolous and teach yourself that accomplishing your goals can be accomplished by something other than food. This is a key to dieting successfully.
About the Author: http://www.quick-ways-to-lose-weight.com/
how to lose 50 pounds in 50 days
Source: http://www.isnare.com/
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
How To Lose Weight And Enjoy Life
For Reviews of Today’s Top Diets Visit:
Diet Reviews
How To Lose Weight And Enjoy Life
Are you stuck in the mental and physical loop of being overweight whilst wanting to be slim? Do you find you're going round in circles and getting more upset, frustrated and helpless?
You're not alone
More people than ever are overweight. It is estimated that nearly two-thirds of the population are overweight or obese. There are more overweight children than ever before stacking up health andself esteem problems for themselves later on in their lives. Inthe UK it is the National Health System's (NHS), priority targetto tackle the growing prevalence of obesity in the population andmillions of pounds are being pumped into the effort.
If the NHS succeeded with its goal then we would all be slimmer and much more active. We wouldn't be putting life on hold whilst we want, wish and try to be slimmer and more active. We'd all been joying our lives feeling confident and happy and achieving much more.
Wishing and hoping doesn't make it come true
In short we need to learn the skill of turning wishing and wanting something to happen in to actively making it happen. Now that may seem an over-simplistic and obvious statement and yet as a principle it makes such a profound difference to whether you succeed or fail at the losing weight game.
When I work with my clients it is one of the first things we tackle. Together we find out what they truly want; what they've done so far to get that and what they can do from now on to get what they want. Once this is mapped out and some simple strategies put in place to achieve their desires my clients find it much easier to lose weight and live the life they want.
Want to know how you can do the same? Follow this Five step plan, developed from working with many clients to help them get unstuck and living the life they love.

1. Get clear about what you do want.
So often we get stuck thinking about what it is we don't want.For example 'I don't want to feel fat and frumpy: or: 'I don't want people to stare at me . etc, etc,. . .' Instead take a moment and use your imagination to dream what it would be like to be that slimmer you, doing what you'd be doing. Use all your senses to record what that would be like. That is, what you'd see, hear, smell and feel. Do this a few times until you get it just how you want it. If you start getting negative thoughts discipline yourself to let them go and get back on track to what you do want. This is important work. Now use a pen a paper and note down what it was like and what you enjoyed about it. Particularly what was so special to you about being that you.
2. Then work out a cunning Plan.
Now use your mind again to imagine what it was that you did toget yourself there. What sort of things would have had to happen for you to be that way? For example a client of mine said that she had felt particularly at ease with herself. So we looked atwhat would have had to have happened for her to feel that way.Her answer was that it meant she'd been taking care of herself and needs in ways that she used to but had stopped doing.
3. Creating a mission statement
Now take a leaf out of the corporate world and create your mission statement. Successful companies and people know what they want and use a mission statement to keep them on track. Using thework you've done above write a sentence or two to answer: Who amI and what do I want? Now keep this handy in your purse or wallet and refer to it regularly to remind you and help you stay on course.
4. Do what you like to get where you want to be
It's easy to think that we have to take care of everyone else and leave ourselves at the bottom of the list. However this is unwise as it can lead to a sense of resentment, frustration and burn out, which means everyone loses out. You need to look after your needs so that you can feel positive and able to cope with everyday demands.
With my clients a simple exercise I ask them to complete is to spontaneously list 50 things that they like having or doing. It has to be done quickly to avoid the temptation of editing or giving reasons why they can't be done. Then we look at a calendar or diary and commit them to real dates in the near future. This means there are positive things to look forward to as well as reinforcing all the things that make life worthwhile and enjoyable.
5. Your support team
This follows neatly in the steps of the above exercise. If you feel that it's you who does everything in your household or that you're overwhelmed at work then you are more than likely to be feeling resentful and frustrated. There's no reward in this scenario and everyone's a loser especially you. Break this cycle by asking for help. If it's your job that's the source of stress get out your job description and identify and agree with your boss what is essential to get done and what can be delegated or relegated. Then at home work with your partner and family on a similar basis and agree who can do what and based on each person's unique strengths and qualities. Doing this breaks the feelings of isolation and creates a healthier more real and useful perspective.
Finally - Now let your mind do the losing weight for you
Having done all that work you are now in the right place to start losing weight. To really accelerate the process it helps to learn the art of self-hypnosis. The hypnotic state of mind is highly focused and more open to suggestion.
Just by turning your attention to your breathing and deciding to relax can bring you to this magical state or mind where you can suggest to yourself how good healthy food is and how cloying and unsatisfying sweet or sugary food is. Doing this several times aday with different suggestions will make losing weight much easier. You will also enjoy a big bonus in that people around you will notice how much happier you are and that you're much more fun to be with!
Liz Labrum Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming and hypnosis helps people who want to lose weight or break habits such as smoking. She also specialises in problems such as stress, fear and anxiety. Visit http://www.think-rightnow.com/ - use the free assessments and reports to help you start to understand how to solve your problems. ==============================================
Copyright © 2007 Liz Labrum
Read More Articles From Liz Labrum:http://thePhantomWriters.com/free_content/d/
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
For Reviews of Today’s Top Diets Visit:
Diet Reviews
How To Lose Weight And Enjoy Life
Are you stuck in the mental and physical loop of being overweight whilst wanting to be slim? Do you find you're going round in circles and getting more upset, frustrated and helpless?
You're not alone
More people than ever are overweight. It is estimated that nearly two-thirds of the population are overweight or obese. There are more overweight children than ever before stacking up health andself esteem problems for themselves later on in their lives. Inthe UK it is the National Health System's (NHS), priority targetto tackle the growing prevalence of obesity in the population andmillions of pounds are being pumped into the effort.
If the NHS succeeded with its goal then we would all be slimmer and much more active. We wouldn't be putting life on hold whilst we want, wish and try to be slimmer and more active. We'd all been joying our lives feeling confident and happy and achieving much more.
Wishing and hoping doesn't make it come true
In short we need to learn the skill of turning wishing and wanting something to happen in to actively making it happen. Now that may seem an over-simplistic and obvious statement and yet as a principle it makes such a profound difference to whether you succeed or fail at the losing weight game.
When I work with my clients it is one of the first things we tackle. Together we find out what they truly want; what they've done so far to get that and what they can do from now on to get what they want. Once this is mapped out and some simple strategies put in place to achieve their desires my clients find it much easier to lose weight and live the life they want.
Want to know how you can do the same? Follow this Five step plan, developed from working with many clients to help them get unstuck and living the life they love.

1. Get clear about what you do want.
So often we get stuck thinking about what it is we don't want.For example 'I don't want to feel fat and frumpy: or: 'I don't want people to stare at me . etc, etc,. . .' Instead take a moment and use your imagination to dream what it would be like to be that slimmer you, doing what you'd be doing. Use all your senses to record what that would be like. That is, what you'd see, hear, smell and feel. Do this a few times until you get it just how you want it. If you start getting negative thoughts discipline yourself to let them go and get back on track to what you do want. This is important work. Now use a pen a paper and note down what it was like and what you enjoyed about it. Particularly what was so special to you about being that you.
2. Then work out a cunning Plan.
Now use your mind again to imagine what it was that you did toget yourself there. What sort of things would have had to happen for you to be that way? For example a client of mine said that she had felt particularly at ease with herself. So we looked atwhat would have had to have happened for her to feel that way.Her answer was that it meant she'd been taking care of herself and needs in ways that she used to but had stopped doing.
3. Creating a mission statement
Now take a leaf out of the corporate world and create your mission statement. Successful companies and people know what they want and use a mission statement to keep them on track. Using thework you've done above write a sentence or two to answer: Who amI and what do I want? Now keep this handy in your purse or wallet and refer to it regularly to remind you and help you stay on course.
4. Do what you like to get where you want to be
It's easy to think that we have to take care of everyone else and leave ourselves at the bottom of the list. However this is unwise as it can lead to a sense of resentment, frustration and burn out, which means everyone loses out. You need to look after your needs so that you can feel positive and able to cope with everyday demands.
With my clients a simple exercise I ask them to complete is to spontaneously list 50 things that they like having or doing. It has to be done quickly to avoid the temptation of editing or giving reasons why they can't be done. Then we look at a calendar or diary and commit them to real dates in the near future. This means there are positive things to look forward to as well as reinforcing all the things that make life worthwhile and enjoyable.
5. Your support team
This follows neatly in the steps of the above exercise. If you feel that it's you who does everything in your household or that you're overwhelmed at work then you are more than likely to be feeling resentful and frustrated. There's no reward in this scenario and everyone's a loser especially you. Break this cycle by asking for help. If it's your job that's the source of stress get out your job description and identify and agree with your boss what is essential to get done and what can be delegated or relegated. Then at home work with your partner and family on a similar basis and agree who can do what and based on each person's unique strengths and qualities. Doing this breaks the feelings of isolation and creates a healthier more real and useful perspective.
Finally - Now let your mind do the losing weight for you
Having done all that work you are now in the right place to start losing weight. To really accelerate the process it helps to learn the art of self-hypnosis. The hypnotic state of mind is highly focused and more open to suggestion.
Just by turning your attention to your breathing and deciding to relax can bring you to this magical state or mind where you can suggest to yourself how good healthy food is and how cloying and unsatisfying sweet or sugary food is. Doing this several times aday with different suggestions will make losing weight much easier. You will also enjoy a big bonus in that people around you will notice how much happier you are and that you're much more fun to be with!
Liz Labrum Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming and hypnosis helps people who want to lose weight or break habits such as smoking. She also specialises in problems such as stress, fear and anxiety. Visit http://www.think-rightnow.com/ - use the free assessments and reports to help you start to understand how to solve your problems. ==============================================
Copyright © 2007 Liz Labrum
Read More Articles From Liz Labrum:http://thePhantomWriters.com/free_content/d/
Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Can Green Tea And Caffeine Help You Maintain Weight Loss?
Weight loss and maintenance is no laughing matter. Today, 60% ofAmerican adults need to lose weight, and many of them feeldefeated by their struggles. In addition, for many people,keeping weight off after weight loss is even more difficult thanlosing it in the first place.
These difficulties are the reason that sales of diet aids are soconsistently high. People who are trying to lose weight areconstantly looking for any help they can find to increase theirweight loss and maintenance success.
If you need to lose weight, it's critical that you make changesto your diet and your physical activity level. The followingsuggestions can help you to begin shedding pounds withoutresorting to extreme dieting measures:
* Substitute fish and chicken for beef and pork most days of theweek.
* Eliminate white flour from your diet. Eat whole grains, suchas 100% whole wheat bread instead.
* Eliminate refined sugar from your diet. Use artificialsweeteners and natural sweeteners like honey instead.
* Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruits andvegetables will provide more anti-oxidants and fiber, along withfewer calories than processed vegetables, particularly those insauce.
* Increase your fiber intake - Extra fiber will help you feelfull longer, helping you to reduce the number of calories you'reeating without feeling deprived.
* Watch the fat- Reduce the saturated fat in your diet. Avoidany food with hydrogenated fats or trans fats. Get your fats fromolive oil, canola oil, fish and nuts.
* Get 30 minutes of aerobic exercise most days of the week.Walking is a great way to get in your exercise, and it'sconvenient because you can do it anywhere. You should also get instrength training 3 times a week for 30 minutes each session.Strength training will help you build muscle, which will help youburn more calories even when resting.
Making these changes should allow you to lose weight graduallywithout feeling hungry. Only when you make changes that you cansustain for the long term will you be able to take off the weightand keep it off.
However, while it's critical to understand that diet andexercise will always be the keys to maintaining a healthy weight,it's always nice to find little tricks that make losing weightand keeping it off just a bit easier.
One substance that does seem to hold promise in weight loss isgreen tea. Many studies have shown that the consumption of greentea along with a healthy diet can help you lose more weight thandieting alone.
It is believed that green tea's potent anti-oxidants combinedwith the caffeine in the tea help speed up the metabolism andburn fat. In addition, some studies have even shown that greentea can inhibit the absorption of dietary fat, meaning that lessof the fat you eat ends up as body fat.
However, one interesting study suggests that green tea'seffectiveness may be negated if you consume too much othercaffeine in your diet. A study conducted by Maastricht Universityin The Netherlands attempted to show how green tea would affectparticipants attempting to maintain a recent weight loss. Itshowed less promising results regarding the consumption of greentea, particularly when the participants were high consumers ofcaffeine overall.
In this study, 104 overweight and moderately obese men and womenwere put on a low calorie diet for 4 weeks. During the four weekperiod, the participants lost an average of 7.5% of their bodyweight. During the 13 week maintenance period, the participantswere fed either green tea or a placebo. The participants did notshow statistically different results between the group receivinggreen tea and the group receiving the placebo.
However, the study did show that participants who had overallhigh caffeine consumption regained more of the weight they lostthan those who had a lower overall caffeine consumption.* Whenyou consider these results compared with other studies whereadditional caffeine consumption was restricted, and a correlationbetween the use of green tea and weight loss was observed, itsuggests that excess caffeine use may negate green tea'spossible positive effects.
If you look at the entire body of research on green tea'sability to enhance weight loss, it seems very promising, in spiteof the results of this particular study. And, the good news is,that even if green tea doesn't help you lose weight, it's veryhealthy for you and has no side effects.
So, you have nothing to lose by trying green tea as a weight losssupplement. Green tea's anti-oxidants may hold significant powerin helping you avoid diseases like cancer, heart disease andAlzheimer's. In addition, regular consumption of green tea mayreduce the signs of aging and help you live a longer andhealthier life. And, in addition, you may find your weight lossefforts easier and more effective than ever.
Marcus Stout is President of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, (http://www.goldenmoontea.com/greentea) green tea (http://www.goldenmoontea.com/blacktea) and black tea go to http://www.goldenmoontea.com
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Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
These difficulties are the reason that sales of diet aids are soconsistently high. People who are trying to lose weight areconstantly looking for any help they can find to increase theirweight loss and maintenance success.
If you need to lose weight, it's critical that you make changesto your diet and your physical activity level. The followingsuggestions can help you to begin shedding pounds withoutresorting to extreme dieting measures:
* Substitute fish and chicken for beef and pork most days of theweek.
* Eliminate white flour from your diet. Eat whole grains, suchas 100% whole wheat bread instead.
* Eliminate refined sugar from your diet. Use artificialsweeteners and natural sweeteners like honey instead.
* Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruits andvegetables will provide more anti-oxidants and fiber, along withfewer calories than processed vegetables, particularly those insauce.
* Increase your fiber intake - Extra fiber will help you feelfull longer, helping you to reduce the number of calories you'reeating without feeling deprived.
* Watch the fat- Reduce the saturated fat in your diet. Avoidany food with hydrogenated fats or trans fats. Get your fats fromolive oil, canola oil, fish and nuts.
* Get 30 minutes of aerobic exercise most days of the week.Walking is a great way to get in your exercise, and it'sconvenient because you can do it anywhere. You should also get instrength training 3 times a week for 30 minutes each session.Strength training will help you build muscle, which will help youburn more calories even when resting.
Making these changes should allow you to lose weight graduallywithout feeling hungry. Only when you make changes that you cansustain for the long term will you be able to take off the weightand keep it off.
However, while it's critical to understand that diet andexercise will always be the keys to maintaining a healthy weight,it's always nice to find little tricks that make losing weightand keeping it off just a bit easier.
One substance that does seem to hold promise in weight loss isgreen tea. Many studies have shown that the consumption of greentea along with a healthy diet can help you lose more weight thandieting alone.
It is believed that green tea's potent anti-oxidants combinedwith the caffeine in the tea help speed up the metabolism andburn fat. In addition, some studies have even shown that greentea can inhibit the absorption of dietary fat, meaning that lessof the fat you eat ends up as body fat.
However, one interesting study suggests that green tea'seffectiveness may be negated if you consume too much othercaffeine in your diet. A study conducted by Maastricht Universityin The Netherlands attempted to show how green tea would affectparticipants attempting to maintain a recent weight loss. Itshowed less promising results regarding the consumption of greentea, particularly when the participants were high consumers ofcaffeine overall.
In this study, 104 overweight and moderately obese men and womenwere put on a low calorie diet for 4 weeks. During the four weekperiod, the participants lost an average of 7.5% of their bodyweight. During the 13 week maintenance period, the participantswere fed either green tea or a placebo. The participants did notshow statistically different results between the group receivinggreen tea and the group receiving the placebo.
However, the study did show that participants who had overallhigh caffeine consumption regained more of the weight they lostthan those who had a lower overall caffeine consumption.* Whenyou consider these results compared with other studies whereadditional caffeine consumption was restricted, and a correlationbetween the use of green tea and weight loss was observed, itsuggests that excess caffeine use may negate green tea'spossible positive effects.
If you look at the entire body of research on green tea'sability to enhance weight loss, it seems very promising, in spiteof the results of this particular study. And, the good news is,that even if green tea doesn't help you lose weight, it's veryhealthy for you and has no side effects.
So, you have nothing to lose by trying green tea as a weight losssupplement. Green tea's anti-oxidants may hold significant powerin helping you avoid diseases like cancer, heart disease andAlzheimer's. In addition, regular consumption of green tea mayreduce the signs of aging and help you live a longer andhealthier life. And, in addition, you may find your weight lossefforts easier and more effective than ever.
Marcus Stout is President of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, (http://www.goldenmoontea.com/greentea) green tea (http://www.goldenmoontea.com/blacktea) and black tea go to http://www.goldenmoontea.com
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Categories: Diet Plan, Diet Program
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